Page 1 of Crave
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It’s a quiet Friday afternoon at Randy’s Auto Repair, and my buddy Cole and I are the only ones here, working in silence aside from the occasional clanging of tools. He’s busy fixing up a Chevy while I’m putting the finishing touches on Cole’s old pick-up. It’s been a huge job. Exhausting. But I didn’t mind putting in the extra hours. Unlike Cole, I don’t have a family waiting for me at home, so it made sense for me to take over the truck repairs for him. It’s taken days of hard work, but it looks like I’m finally done. His black pickup truck looks awesome after a shiny new paint job, and it’s running better than ever now that I’ve replaced the battery and the brake pads.
“Here,” I say throwing Cole’s keys back to him across the garage. “Good as new.”
Cole abandons the Chevy and joins me in front of his pick-up truck, admiring my work with a satisfied nod.
“Thanks, buddy. It looks great. Millie’s going to love it.”
Cole’s lips tug into a smile when he mentions his wife, and suddenly he seems in a hurry to leave. He jumps into his pick-up truck and starts the engine.
“I’m going to shoot off now,” he says. “Millie’s going out with a friend tonight so I’m babysitting. See you Monday, man, and thanks again for the truck.”
I wave off his thanks, watching as he speeds out of the garage and heads home. Honestly, when Cole’s not busy talking about his wife and kids, he’s busy finding ways to get back to them as soon as he can. It’s pretty damn cute, even though I can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy.
At thirty-six, all I want these days is to be a family man. I want the kind of family that I never got to have. My dad left when I was still in diapers, and my mom was more interested in her string of boyfriends than in raising a kid, so I learned from a young age how to get by with only myself for company. For a long time, I told myself that I was better off that way, but as the years passed, I just got more and more lonely. I’ve tried to date, but things never worked out, and nobody has ever made my face light up the way Cole’s does when he talks about Millie. That’s all I want: real, true love. Corny as hell, sure, but I won’t settle for anything less. Maybe that’s my problem, maybe I’m expecting too much.
I shake myself from my thoughts with a deep sigh and glance at the clock. There’s still some time left to work on the Chevvy before I close the shop for the weekend. Hopefully it will distract me from the fact that the only thing waiting for me is an empty house.
* * *
It’s damn freezing outside when I finally leave the garage. I stride across the street, thankful that my house is only a stone’s throw away from my workplace, when I hear the sound of a voice reverberating from far away.
The hell is that?
Curiosity gets the better of me. I walk right past my house, heading up the street toward the noise which seems to be coming from the big field out the back. I can see tons of people milling about on the grass standing in front of a huge outdoor stage where a guy with a guitar is speaking into a microphone. He’s too far away for me to make out his face, but his voice carries.
“Thank you for coming out tonight, everyone,” he says, his words immediately being met with a huge cheer. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
Looks like it’s just a music concert. I turn around to go back home, but something stops me. Fuck it. It’s Friday night, and I have no plans except sitting inside alone drinking beer all evening. Why the hell not go to the concert? It looks like it’s free, and it’s practically in my backyard. Even if I freeze my balls off, at least I’ll have a bit of company.
Before I can talk myself out of it, I walk onto the field and take my place near the back of the crowd, towering above everyone around me. It’s a feeling I’m used to. At six-foot-six, I can usually count on being the biggest guy in the room…or in this case, the field. Being this tall has its advantages, though. I have a great view of the stage, even from all the way back here, and I’m surprised to see that the guy on stage is actually Damian Holt, the famous musician, strumming his guitar masterfully. I like my rock a bit heavier, but he sure is talented, and the crowd is whooping and cheering like crazy, dancing around as Damian starts to sing.
“The days are getting longer baby; they’re dragging by without you here…”
I nod my head along to the lyrics, scanning the crowd when suddenly my eyes land on a girl standing over to my left. Her arms are folded protectively around her body, and she’s not dancing or singing along. She looks uncomfortable, like she’d rather be anywhere else but here, and something about her makes me want to get a closer look. It’s hard to make out her features from this far away, but a deep instinct is propelling me forward, steering me closer to the mystery girl.
The crowd is in motion all around her, arms flailing, bodies moving, but as I get closer, I start to see flashes of her in the gaps between the dancing people. My blood is thrumming hard, my heart starting to pound as I catch sight of the generous curves of her hips, the glossy dark hair falling down her back, the plump mounds of her tits from the side.
She uncrosses her arms, and I get a glimpse of her face as she looks around at the crowd. Even from here, I can tell she’s a beauty. A glance at that perfect face pushes me further forward.
I need to see more. I need to get closer.
My heart is in my throat as I push through the mob, urgently weaving my way toward the girl until I’m finally standing just behind her. So close. Close enough to smell the sweetness of her perfume. Close enough to feast my eyes on her thick, round ass.
Holy shit.
I can barely hear the music anymore: all my focus is pouring into the perfect creature standing in front of me. My cock is swelling beneath my coveralls, hardening painfully now that she’s so near to me.
What the fuck is happening?
I feel like a man possessed. I’ve never reacted to a woman like this before: my whole body is taut with need, pulsing with the animal urge to steal this curvy beauty away from all these people and keep her for myself. I’m suddenly strongly aware of how many guys are here in the crowd. All these bodies packed like sardines, trying to get as close to the stage as possible…if any of these men get too close to her, I’m going to lose my fucking mind.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. Beating up every guy within a ten-foot radius of this girl is definitely not the way to win her over. I need to chill the fuck out.