Page 20 of Accidental Daddies
One of them I knew as Dog Guy had his giant pit bull with him and I grinned and waved. Dog Guy nodded at me before turning a dark scowl on Jake. I could hear Dice, his dog, growling through the truck door.
I brightened my smile before turning back to Jake. “Dice is very nice.”
“Is Dice the guy or the dog?” He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Stay where you are. I’ll come around to help you out.”
I ignored him and stepped out. As soon as Dice saw me his tail started wagging and he let out a happy chuff. Dog Guy was still scowling across the hood of the SUV. I went to my knees in front of Dice and cuddled his massive head. “Hi, baby! What a good boy you are! Look at you, you chonk. You’re so pretty, aren’t you? Do you want a cookie? Yeah? Does Dicey want a cookie?”
“Are you okay, Ma? Never seen this douche around here before.” Dog Guy stepped forward, positioning himself between me and Jake.
Jake didn’t seem to like that very much. He made a low sound at the back of his throat and stepped into Dog Guy’s space. “Move.”
I stood up and wedged myself between them with my back pressed to Jake’s chest. “Hey. This isn’t necessary. This is my friend, Jake. He’s good.”
Dice sniffed hungrily at my hand and Dog Guy glanced down at his dog and groaned. “You turned my dog into a little bitch, Ma.”
I grinned and pulled a small cookie out of my pocket. I always kept a couple in my purse for the magical times I spotted Dice out and about. “Dice is a sweetie.”
“Bro, I think that’s Jake Moreno.” One of Dog Guy’s friends clapped his shoulder. “Whoa. Little Ma is moving on up in the world.”
I blushed and pressed even harder into Jake. “See? He’s great. No need to go all protective neighbor on me.”
“No, it’s good.” Jake stuck his hand out from around me and shook Dog Guy’s hand. “You keep an eye out for her all the time?”
Dog Guy nodded. “She’s a sweet girl. The kid’s cool, too. Dice likes them both.”
I groaned. “I’m not a girl. I’m a grown woman. And now I’m a pregnant woman so no one stress me out or I’ll cry on you.”
Dog Guy pointed at my stomach and a wide grin stretched his face as he nodded at Jake. “Yeah? Good job, man.”
I rolled my eyes and walked away with Dice following me. I rested my hand on his head as we walked. “You’re the real rockstar, Dice. You want to come live with me and Avery? We could let your daddy and Jake have their bromance.”
Jake caught me with his arm around my upper waist. “Nice meeting you, man. Thanks for keeping a look out.”
Dog Guy called Dice back and left me and Jake standing alone in front of my apartment door. Jake leaned against the door frame and pulled me into his chest. I allowed myself a few moments of being held.
“Is Avery inside?”
I nodded. “With the babysitter.”
“I won’t try to come inside then. Not yet. I can probably figure out where Ryder is tomorrow. Are you able to go out tomorrow?”
My stomach tightened with nerves. “Yes.”
“We’ll let him down easy.” Grinning, Jake trailed his hands up my back and cupped the back of my head. “Come here, angel.”
I felt my body throb to life as his mouth landed on mine in a soft but demanding kiss. I melted into his chest and gripped his shoulders as his tongue slipped past my lips. He tasted like chocolate and my growling stomach had me pulling away earlier than I wanted to. I pressed my forehead into his chest and laughed quietly. “That was embarrassing.”
“You need to go eat. You have food inside?”
I scoffed. “I’m not that broke, Jake. I have food.”
He patted my butt and gently eased me away. “Go. I’ll be here in the morning. Call me if you need anything.”
I watched as he scribbled his number on a slip of paper and pressed it into my palm. “You really are old. Where’d you pull a pen out of?”
“Watch it.” He smirked and kissed me once more. Just as it started to get heated again, I made myself step away from him.
“Maybe we should wait. To know who’s the father, I mean. I just… I want to do this the right way. If there is a right way.”