Page 3 of Accidental Daddies
I took my sticks back and frowned up at him. “Sorry.”
He shook his head and shared a look with the other two men. “I’m not going to make you share a bed with me. You don’t know me and I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t trust me. You shouldn’t. You should really be more freaked out by this. Why are you so calm?”
I smiled and shrugged. “I was before we started talking but I basically know two of you. After sharing a small apartment with a six-year-old boy, there’s not a lot any of you could do to surprise me.”
“I’m too tired to tell you all the ways you’re wrong right now. I’ll make a spot on the floor to sleep. Just don’t kick me if you get up in the middle of the night.” Jake yawned again and briefly shook hands with the other two men as he passed them. “Good to see y’all again.”
I followed Jake and lightly tapped him on his shoulder when he didn’t automatically turn to face me. “Jake? I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor. You seem tired and I know I wouldn’t get any rest if I slept on the floor. We can share. It’s fine. We’re both adults.”
He stared down at me from much closer than we’d been before and I held my breath as he raked his eyes over my face. “You’re either the sweetest or craziest woman I’ve ever met.”
I laughed. “I doubt that. I saw an MTV special about your band once. The things-”
“Fine. We can share the bed. Just don’t say anything else.” Jake blew out a deep sigh that ruffled my hair and clued me into the fact that his breath smelled like spearmint.
“Okay. I just need to take a shower before bed. I don’t like bringing the outside into the bed, you know? Not that it’ll bother me if you do. It won’t.” I rushed on. “You can do whatever you want. Not anything, actually. We’re strangers and you should probably keep your underwear on. Everything else-”
A big, rough hand gently closed over my mouth and I looked up to see Ryder’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “Shhh. Go take your shower and stop talking to the tired rockstar, Fiona.”
I narrowed my eyes at him but he raised his eyebrows and gave me a look that made me feel like I’d been sent to the principal’s office. I rolled my eyes and held up my hands to show that I came in peace and would shut up.
Sebastian thrust my backpack into my arms and Ryder marched me towards the only walled-in space in the cabin. He didn’t stop until I was inside the tiny bathroom and he’d closed the door after me.
“Overstepping Neanderthal. Who does he think he is, pushing me around? I can find my way to the bathroom, thank you very much.” I growled as I bent over and went through my bag to find my shower things. “Did he even wash his hands today? You can’t just put your hand over someone’s mouth. I lick these lips! Whatever he touched, I’m now licking. Jesus.”
The sound of the door opening made me jerk upright and around, just to see Ryder leaning against the doorframe, silently laughing. He wiped tears from his face and shook his head. “Wow. I needed that laugh. For future reference, these walls are paper-thin.”
The sweet little angel sharing our cabin snored. Not a cute little snore, either. I wasn’t sure I’d gotten any sleep at all. I’d even gotten up and stared at her to be sure it was actually her I was hearing at one point. How the fuck a sound like that could come out of the mouth of someone so sweet was beyond me. And sweet she was, even if she did call me a Neanderthal and insinuate that I didn’t wash my hands.
My tired brain stumbled into dangerous territory as I wondered if she’d taste as sweet. Shaking my head to clear that thought, I stared out at a beautiful piece of land that I’d rather have never seen. Bending Branches was a retreat that I didn’t want or need. If not for my publicist, I would’ve been working or spending the weekend with my kids. Mark Manning didn’t care if my oldest son was acting out or if my younger son loved to follow his brother in everything he did so he’d probably start acting out, too. Mark Manning only cared that my very public divorce had left a bad taste in the mouths of women in the age range thirty to fifty-five. As a chef, that was never a good thing.
I glanced up as the cabin door swung open and Sebastian walked out. He looked as rough as I felt. The sun wasn’t up yet but even in the dim lighting coming from a security light next to the cabin, the dark circles under his eyes were clear. “Rough night?”
He snorted and sank onto the step next to me. We ran in similar circles so I knew him vaguely but in that moment, I felt like we’d been through something together. “How the fuck does she snore like that? Honestly, I thought about smothering her a few times. If she wasn’t so goddamn cute, I might’ve.”
I grinned and glanced back to make sure he’d closed the door behind him. “I’m not sure cute is the right word to describe her, but I agree with the rest of your sentiment.”
He groaned and rubbed his face roughly. “Don’t. My dick spent the sleepless night thinking about her curves and that mouth. I don’t need any encouragement.”
I held up my hands. “Fair enough. I’d prefer your dick didn’t get any ideas while we’re spooning in the same bed.”
He cut his eyes at me. “Spooning. She’s nuts. She has to be nuts, right?”
I shrugged. “That, or we’ve found ourselves rooming with fucking Snow White.”
“Snow White? She was the one with the harem of men, right? And the pets?” Sebastian looked like he was considering it. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she walked out here and a bird landed on her head.”
A loud horn started blaring from the side of the house and I swore viciously as I stumbled over to the giant speaker it was coming out of. I was in the middle of trying to break it off the wall when Fiona rushed out of the cabin with her feet bare and her tits free inside her threadbare t-shirt. Her blonde hair was piled on top of her head in what looked like a bird’s nest and her big blue eyes were wider than ever.
She covered her ears with her hands and shouted to be heard over the horn. “Are we on fire? Should I wake up Jake?”
I shifted my hips away from her as my dick reacted like she was naked and begging me to fuck her. It was torture to drag my eyes away from the outline of her nipples but I managed it. Sebastian, on the other hand, looked like he didn’t stand a chance.
“No fire.” My voice came out rough and I had to clear my throat. “There’s no fire. Go back inside, Fiona.”