Page 39 of Accidental Daddies
“Any regrets? Ryder pushed my hair behind my ears and ran his thumb over my lips. “You’re so beautiful.”
“I don’t have any regrets. How could I? The three of you treat me like a princess and you spoil Avery with attention and gifts. The twins already have the start of a wardrobe.” I smiled and smoothed out the lines across his forehead. “And more importantly, I’m happy.”
A bell rang and Ryder grunted. “Food’s here. Hang on, angel.”
I laughed as he stood up with me still clinging to his chest and watched him grab his phone and swipe a button. “Poor Mike, whoever he is. I can only imagine the crisis I would enter if a chef shouted at me to bring him some sort of chicken dinner. What does that even mean?”
Putting me back on the counter, he stuffed himself back in his pants and smirked when I noticed he was still half hard. “Did you think I was finished? Not a chance in hell. I’m taking my time with you tonight.”
I pulled him between my legs and hugged him. “Mal said she’d put Avery to bed and take him to school in the morning if I was too tired to manage it after getting my back blown out. Her words.”
He let out a rich, deep laugh and kissed me. “Have I told you that I really love your sister?”
I opened my mouth to answer but screamed instead when a person sized shape filled my vision. I curled in on myself as Ryder spun around.
“What the hell are you doing here?” His voice had lost all of its warmth but he didn’t budge from in front of me. He even seemed to spread out in an attempt to block me.
“We need to talk. The boys told me about you taking them to your little girlfriend’s house.”
All the blood drained from my face as I put the pieces together. The person sized shape was Ryder’s ex-wife. She sounded pissed off and I was behind her ex-husband with his seed leaking out of me and my dress pulled down my chest.
“You’re supposed to be with the boys tonight, Sara. I thought you were the restaurant bringing up dinner or I would’ve told you that tonight isn’t the time for this.” Ryder reached back and gripped my knee. “You should go.”
I tried to discreetly pull my dress up and scoot to the edge of the counter so I could get down. I just wanted to leave. All the mood was dead. Even though I knew we weren’t doing anything wrong, I suddenly felt like the other woman, ruining a happy home.
“Want your panties back?”
Her voice was ice cold and when I processed what she’d asked, I tried to shrink even smaller. Did I say yes? Technically, I did want them back. I just didn’t want to ask her for them back.
“Knock it off, Sara.”
“Is this the girlfriend or are you cheating on her, too?” Sara raised her voice. “He’s a cheater, you know? He cheated on me as soon as he got a little publicity. I hope you’re not as stupid as I was, sticking around hoping for him to change, just to come home and find panties on his stairway.”
Ryder’s voice filled the apartment. “Enough! Leave, Sara. I don’t want you here. You’re just trying to cause trouble.”
I slipped off the counter and cringed when I felt his come slowly leaking lower and lower. I’d dropped my purse at the top of the stairs and I could see it from around Ryder. At least his ex-wife wasn’t holding onto that, too.
“Roman said you knocked her up. Is he right? Did you go out and knock some bimbo up, you idiot? That’s money out of our sons’ pockets.”
I gave up on being discreet and walked with my legs together around Ryder and towards the stairs. “I’m going to go.”
Ryder swore. “No. Stay, Fiona. Sara’s leaving.”
“Wow. Your taste has really changed, Ry.” Sara had honed in on her target and I could feel her tongue readying itself like a bayonet. “I get it. That whole thick with two k’s thing is in, but…it’s whatever floats your boat, I guess.”
“Get out of my home, Sara. You don’t get to come in here and insult my girlfriend.” Ryder followed behind me but he was half focused on arguing with Sara.
“You’ll be lucky if the boat floats at all once that one starts showing. Wow.”
I grabbed my purse and nearly fell down the stairs in my rush to leave. I tuned out the shouting coming from the top of the stairs and yanked the door open to leave, just to have a tray full of hot chicken splash into my chest and neck.
“Oh, my god. I’m so sorry! I didn’t- Are you okay? Your skin is-”
I broke out in a full sprint across the parking lot. I was more embarrassed than I could ever remember being and I just wanted to be home with Mallory, listening to her laugh at me until I felt better. It was going to take a while.
My cell phone started ringing halfway home but I turned the radio up to ignore it. I felt like throwing up. Only, I didn’t have anything to throw up because my chef boyfriend hadn’t fed me anything. I wasn’t sure what to feel and because of that, I was feeling everything all at once. I was angry and sad, humiliated and hurt… I never wanted a repeat of that situation. I was so upset that I didn’t know if I wanted to keep trying with Ryder.