Page 11 of Summer Nights
The boys all stiffen at the mention of other guys.
“Other guys? So, you have a boyfriend then?” Dawson voice is a low rumble, sending goosebumps down my flesh as he stands up straighter, crossing his arms over his broad chest. If the frown lines on his face could get deeper, they would have at that moment. Alphahole energy completely radiates from him. But God damn, if it isn’t one of the most attractive things I have ever seen on a man.
I laugh, “Oh god no! Those guys are like my brothers.”
Some of the fight drains out of him as he slowly backs down. “No boyfriend then?” He clarifies, raising my eyebrow.
“No boyfriend.” I shake my head with a knowing smile. The little hit of jealousy in his demeanour is cute. Even though he seems like the kind of guy that would straight up deny it if I asked him about it.
“Do you guys have girlfriends?” I question. “Or boyfriends? I don’t judge.” I say with a smile.
They each all shake their heads no. Relief runs through me and I fight to hide my smile that I know I don’t succeed in.
I don’t bother with a reply because I know I’ll just make a fool of myself.
I quickly redirect the conversation back to the bikes. I tell the guys the story about how we came across them and how we spent months fixing them. It's obvious the guys are impressed with the nods of approval I get.
“You did a really good job Scar.” Dawson praises. I note not for the first time the nickname for me he so easily uses. While nearly everyone I know shortens my name like that, it sounds different coming from him.
“I think you are handier then the majority of the guys back home. Some days I don’t think they can tell one tool from the other.” Pike laughs, as he runs an approving look over the bikes.
“Thanks.” I blush. “I mean I can’t take all of the credit. It was a labour of love from all of us.”
“Don’t sell yourself short Princess.” Pike begins, looking back at me, “I’ve never known a chick that actually enjoyed fixing up bikes. It’s...” He pauses for a moment, looking for the right word. “...Refreshing.” He finishes with a smile.
“So, where is this spot you are taking us too.” Dacre asks.
“You'll just have to follow me to find out.” I wink, swinging my leg over my bike. I quickly put my head on and kickstart the bike. “Keep up if you can.” I tease before taking off with a lurch.
The guys all rush to get their own helmets on and mount their chosen bikes only seconds behind me.
Chapter Four
It doesn’t take us long before we are taking off down the road. We make a quick pit stop at the servo for fuel, topping off the tanks so none of us run out. Being so remote and difficult to get too, recoveries are big missions. And expensive.
I take the guys the scenic route along the waterfront then up through the forestry. I’m sure my smile would look ridiculous to the guys if I were to remove my helmet, but there is just something about this feeling. This place. The serenity. It feels like home. The guys all sit slightly back from me, just in case I make any turns.
On one of the straights, I let out a whoop, throw up one of my hands and take off.
I hear the guys faint whoops and laughter but it's drowned out from the sound of the wind and bikes.
I slow down a bit before the turn off to give the boys plenty of warning. We drive down the road a little way before dipping down into the creek. I don’t bother slowing down, knowing we can always stop on our way back through. The corrugated dirt roads eventually turn into sand. I pull over in one of the stopping bays knowing the challenge up ahead.
“Fuck, it's beautiful out here Scar.” Dawson says even slightly muffled from the helmet.
“Right!' I smile looking around at the surrounding bush. "I don’t know what kind of riding you guys do back in the states, but it starts to get pretty soft from here on in until we get to the beach.” I explain. “Up ahead is big sandy. It's basically a massive soft sand hill. Really, you’ve just got to keep up your momentum and you will be sweet. Stick to the left side of the track as well encase there’s cars coming down.”
The guys all nod in understanding.
“I’ll meet you at the top.” I yell before taking off. I keep focused on the track in front of me. When the sand gets dry, it gets really soft and I don’t particularly feel like making an ass out of myself this early on. Thankfully, I made it to the top without any issues.
I turn around just as Dacre and Sonny come up over the hill.
They both take off their helmets and their receiving smiles completely light their faces. I take mine off as well, thankful for the breeze on my sweaty face. Dacre rushes towards me, picks me up and spins me around. “That was so fucking cool Scar! I’ve been wanting to ride in sand for ages and it was better than I could have ever imagined!” he exclaims. The excitement in his voice is infectious, filling me with its warmth. “I’m so glad you loved it.” I say, my smile replicating his.
Pike, Dawson and Nicky all eventually make it up over the hill. They take their helmets off as well, their smiles just as big as Dacre and Sonny’s.