Page 26 of Summer Nights
“Soo...” Hannah says, making me turn to face her. Her eyebrow is raised and she gives me a pointed look. “Are you going to tell me about what the go is with those guys that came in this morning?”
Shit, I knew this was coming. In all honesty, I should have expected it. We were far from subtle, that is for sure.
“Ah, I met them the other night down on the beach. I left the party early and went for a bit of a midnight swim.” I say carefully, already knowing how she will react.
Her eyebrows shoot up instantly. “A midnight swim? Scarlett, are you fucking crazy? You were as pissed as a fucking parrot that night. You could've drowned.” She scolds me. I deserve it too. It was way too reckless taking a dip in the state I was in. Not only that but the rips down on Farmborough beach can be gnarly at the best of times.
“I know. I guess it must have looked like I was too. I dropped under the water and just before I was about to pop my head up, I was being dragged out of the water by Pike.” I smile, thinking about that night. How the guys acted like my knights in shining armour. It was either that or they were just showing off. Most likely the former option.
“Okay, and then?” Hannah encourages me to continue with a nod of her head.
“Well, we sat on the sand for a bit and took a breather. They walked me home. I told them I would be their honorary tour guide while they are on holidays here from America.”
Hannah nods in understanding. “That explains the accents then.”
I nod my head and continue on. “The next day I get a call from Nicky. He’s the one with the scar running through the elbow.” I wait for Hannah to work out which of the guys I am talking about. When she nods her head, I continue. “From there, they came around and we ended up taking the bikes up to Five Rocks for the day.”
Her eyes blow wide. “You went to Five Rocks with five random strangers you met on the beach?” She questions, looking at me like a mad woman. Shit, maybe I am.
“Ahh, yep.” I say. “It was honestly the best day. I got to know them really well.” I sigh, blow out a breath and lean back on the counter behind me. “It's just so easy with them you know? I don’t feel like they expect me to be some hoity toity posh princess. They certainly weren’t turned off from my munted state the night of my birthday.” I cringe, remembering just how fucked I looked in the mirror once I got inside from the guys dropping me off. I looked like a rabid fucking raccoon. Really, if I held up the story I told Nicky about the drop bears and he wanted to see a photo, I could have just sent him a selfie from that night.
“Grace has been in my ear telling them they need to become my own harem like something out of those romance books she reads.”
Hannah chuckles knowing exactly what I am talking about. “That fucking woman and her porn books. The other day she told me she wouldn’t be fazed if a masked man chased her through the bush and fucked her against a tree.” There is a gasp from behind us. We turn around and find a little old lady looking at us in horror. “Sorry Barb.” I apologise, but she is already halfway out of the door. No doubt Hannah and I will be a part of her weekly prayers. I wouldn’t be surprised if brochures turn up for our next shifts telling us we need to repent for our sins or some Jesus hoo ha.
I say my goodbyes to Hannah and the rest of the girls that are working. I immediately find the guys once I get outside. They're standing around one of the bench seats along the waterfront. It should be illegal to be that good looking. None of the guys are wearing shirts. Thankfully they all have pants on unlike the other day up at Freshwater creek. That vision of the guys in their jocks will forever be imprinted on my brain.
Dacre sees me first and gives me a devilishly breathtaking smile. His face lighting up clues in the other four into turning around and finding me. I return their smiles with one of my own.
Sonny comes bounding over to me like the absolute golden retriever I’ve come to know him to be. I swear if he was a dog he would be the kind that wouldn’t be able to control how fast their tail wags, so their entire body wiggles. So fucking cute. Like I said, I’m a dog girl through and through.
Sonny embraces me in a hug that almost knocks us both over but thank god he has good balance because I sure as shit don’t.
“Hola hermosa.” His voice is low and gruff. Fuck if the sound doesn’t send shivers through my entire body.
I’m stunned for a moment, knees weak just from his voice alone. Pull it together Scarlett.
“Hey Sonny.” I reply once he finally lets me go. It's a whisper but it doesn’t matter because we are standing so close. “What did you say?” I ask, remembering the words he whispered in my ear.
“I said Hola hermosa.” He smiles. “It's Spanish for Hey beautiful.”
Speaking Spanish in my ear? Jesus fucking Christ! I have officially died and gone to heaven.
“Are you fluent?”
He nods. “Yeah, my Mama and Papa are both from Mexico. It was really important to them to keep the culture alive for myself and my sisters while we were growing up.”
“That's beautiful. I wish I knew how to speak a different language.” I frown then. Did I know another language before my accident?
Sonny grabs my chin in his hand, tilting my face up to meet his eyes. They are so gentle as he gazes at me, obviously picking up on my inner turmoil.
“If you like, I can teach you some Spanish?” He offers. My previous dismay was instantly forgotten. I straighten up, the joy instantaneous.
“Really? You would teach me?”
“Absolutely. Especially if that means I get another smile like the one you just gave me.” I hadn’t realised the placement of his hands until this moment. Gone are they from where he was holding my chin. Instead, one hand sits cradling my face. I can’t help but lean into it. Especially with the way he is looking at me right now.
Like I am precious. Like the world starts and finishes with me.