Page 4 of Summer Nights
“Yeah, nah means no and nah, yeah means yes.”
“What the fuck?” One of the guys mutters. The complete and utter confusion on their faces still sends me into an even deeper state of laughter.
“Oh, you poor things.” I settle myself down taking a breath. “Right, seeing how you guys rescued me and all, I will be your honorary Aussie tourist guide. By the end of your trip, you will know all of the lingo, have your taste buds transformed and have been completely submerged into our beautiful culture.” I vow placing my hand over my heart. I’m not sure where this newfound confidence has come from but I blame Betty. And rum.
They all turn panty melting smiles on me and it takes every ounce of willpower I have in my body to not actually melt. God fucking damn. They each nod.
“Fuck yes. Does that mean we get a chance of a tour down under.”
I’m not expecting that kind of quick wit to come out of Sonny’s mouth. While I knew from his swagger that he could walk the walk, I didn’t realise he could talk the talk too. For a moment I sit there shocked. Dawson wacks him over the head.
“What the fuck man?” Sonny snarls at Dawson.
I can’t help myself and burst out into a fit of laughter. Sonny's gaze turns triumphed and heated making it unquestionable that he meant exactly what he said, even as I find the humour in it.
“Fuck that was good.” I say completely impressed.
“Well that definitely wasn’t a no.” He winks.
“It indeed wasn’t.” I wink back in answer. He throws a fist in the air before turning and tackling Dawson into the sand.
“Take that you uptight motherfucker.” Sonny laughs as he tries his hardest to get Dawson to tap out. They roll several times, kicking up sand that we have to dodge, but I can’t take my eyes off the way their muscles flex in the moonlight.
“Do they do this often?” I ask turning slightly but still staying securely between Pikes legs.
“You could say that.” Amusement is bright in his eyes as he watches the boys. He turns those eyes onto me. “So, you were serious about being our tour guide? We could definitely use one.”
“Of course! It would be my honour. How long are you guys here for anyways?”
“Until the end of January. We actually came over to celebrate our birthdays now that we’re all eighteen.”
“Oh, that’s right. The drinking age is 21 in America, isn’t it?” I confirm.
“Yeah. I mean we do have this place back home where the owner is pretty relaxed, but it was also a good excuse to get away while we can. Holidays and time off doesn’t come too often for us, so while it's quiet, we decided to just pack up and take off for a bit. Escape all of the bullshit, you know?”
“I know what you mean. There is this spot about 45 minutes from here that’s my escape from the world. I’ll show it to you guys.”
“I’d love that.” His smile is so fucking infections I can’t help but return one of my own.
Chapter Two
The alcohol has slowly started to recede from my brain. I am by no means sober, but some of the haze has started to fade. Betty tucked safely back into her cage where she belongs.
There wasn’t a clear winner between Dawson and Sonny. It's obvious that the guys do some kind of martial arts training by the way they move.
“Where are you guys staying while you are here?” I ask. I’ve got no awareness of the time. God only knows where I left my purse, let alone my phone.
“We rented an air bnb down the road a bit.” Nicky replies.
“Right. Well, I don’t have my phone or anything with me so I will walk you guys back to where you stay so I know where to find you tomorrow.”
Protests instantly start from each of the guys.
“Not a chance Princess.”
“Don’t think you are going to be walking home alone, Scarlett.”