Page 47 of Summer Nights
Idon’t even have to open my eyes before the dread of what today means overcomes me. I can already feel the pressure in my chest. The anxiety slowly following into my system. They're going home today. Back to America. Back to their lives and away from me.
The other night with Dacre was everything I could've hoped for and more. The way he took care of me, was so fucking gentle. God, my heart still melts thinking about it. My pussy flutters too. There's a slight ache, but it's a good ache. I wasn’t expecting much for my first time. Sure, it was awkward as fuck as times as we both fumbled, both completely inexperienced. It took me a bit to get into a rhythm and the 'what the fuck are we doing?' stage but I couldn’t have asked for anything better. Once we got over fumbling, it was like nothing I could have imagined. Pure fucking pleasure.
It was perfect. He was—is— perfect.
After spending the night watching movies with all five of the guys and being passed around like a parcel, it was hard to decide just who to slip into bed with. I eventually settled on Pike. The first one I met. The first guy who sent a swarm of butterflies through my stomach. What I adore about Pike is the way he just makes me feel completely at ease. He doesn’t have any expectations of me and I can’t help but love that.
Wait. Fuck. Love.
Yep, there it is.
I love Pike.
I love all of them. A month and these five beautiful men have steam rolled into my life and captured shards of my heart. And I just let them. Shit, I gave them over willingly. But in return, they gave me pieces of them. Pieces I know that I will hold onto for the rest of my life. Pieces that are so fragile. Pieces that I don’t realise just how easily and quickly they are able to break, until they do.
I feel Pike’s arm tighten around my torso. I smile and roll over to face him. He's already looking at me by the time I’ve gotten comfortable.
“You're a fucking sight to see in the mornings, Princess.” His voice is all deep and husky, laced with sleep still and I melt.
“I could say the same about you, Pike. Pretty sure you didn’t actually go to sleep last night. It looks like you just stepped off the Victoria Secret runway.” I laugh, bringing my hand up to mess up his hair. I pull it away but nope, he's still fucking perfect.
“I mean, I’m not opposed to wearing a bejewelled bra and thong. Maybe even some of those wings some of them wear. I could absolutely pull it off.” The image of Pike in nothing but a bra, thong and angel wings, strutting down the catwalk sends me into stitches.
“That's one interesting image, Pike.” I laugh clutching my stomach.
“Hey, time and place baby doll. I will model for you.” I just smile at him, taking in all of his features. Memorising them. The mood quickly turns sombre and the looming time to say goodbye getting closer.
“What time is your flight out?” I ask even though I have committed it to memory.
“11.30.” He says but I hear a hit of sadness in his voice too.
“I don’t want you to go.” Is all I am able to get out. It feels like a massive ache in my chest. Tears prickle my eyes and I have to force them not to escape. Not having these men that have embedded themselves in my life right around the corner hurts more then I thought it would.
Pike’s hand snakes up my body, eventually reaching my throat. It's large enough that half of it wraps around my throat, the other half cupping my cheek. He looks me directly in the eye, almost as if he is trying to look right into my soul.
“I don’t want to go either, Princess. I promise that this won’t be forever. Either we'll come back here to you or we would organise for you to come to us. Because this thing between us isn’t just some summer fling. This is the real deal.”
I can’t help the tear that rolls down my face, knowing that it will be the first of many that I shed today.
“Please don’t cry, Scar. It fucking breaks my heart.” He says, wiping the tears away with his fingers.
“I’m sorry. I just hate this.” I drop my head to his chest as I try to regain composure. Slowly breathing through the pain.
“I know, baby. But I swear to you, I will do everything I can to make this between me and you work. Now that I have found you, I refuse to let you go.” Pike lifts my head up from where it rests so he is able to look me in the eyes again. “Without you, there is no me. You are mine whether you like it or not, okay?”
I swear my heart skips a beat at his confession. Fucking hell. I gulp at the seriousness in his eyes. He wants me. The realisation is baffling. I knew they wanted me but seeing it in this way, takes my breath away.
I manage to choke out a quiet “Yours” through the emotion currently running rampant through my body.
Pike’s kiss is so fucking consuming. He brings me close to him. Like he can’t bear to not have a single inch of his body not in contact with mine. And God dammit if I don’t absolutely eat that shit up.
Eventually we break away from the kiss completely breathless.
“Come on, we need to get ready.” He finally says. I nod, knowing if I try to say anything the chances of bursting into tears is too risky.
Before I know it, we're loading up both into the guy’s rental car and my Jeep. Nicky and Dawson load in with me, while Dacre, Pike and Sonny take the rental. The airport is a good 45 minute drive from Yeppoon so we get a little bit of extra time together, even if we are all in separate cars. We spend the drive listening to a playlist on Dawson's phone. The three of us sing at the top of our lungs. I'm generally surprised at Dawson's voice. It's obvious he's the singer of the group. The boys told me they're all in a band. Dacre plays the drums, Sonny plays bass and Nicky and Pike both play guitar. They showed me a few videos of their gigs. If i wasn't obsessed with them before, I was at that moment. There's something about a musician that's delectable.