Page 6 of Summer Nights
“Fuck, Scarlett.” Pike gasps, eyes wide as he watches me.
“Yeah…” I trail off before realising what I just blurted. “Um, sorry for the trauma dump.” I laugh trying to brighten the mood.
“You don’t remember a single thing?” He asks.
“Not a single thing. No matter the number of photos I’ve been shown, my memories are just gone. The doctors still can’t understand why. I remembered basics like how to read and write but that’s really where it ends.”
“That’s awful.”
“Yeah.” The mood turns sombre after that. In an attempt to brighten the mood, I turn back to the chore of being their tour guide.
“Ok so tomorrow,” I begin, gaining the guys attention, “I was thinking, since you guys haven’t seen much yet, I thought I would take you guys for a ride up through the forestry and to one of my favourite spots.”
“Ride?” Sonny questions. I turn to look at him seeing the excitement on his face. “You mean motorbikes, right?” I nod. A cheer escapes him and all of the boy’s faces brighten.
“Fuck, does that mean you ride?” Sonny asks, his eyes heating. He looks like a kid in a candy store.
“Yeah. I’ve got a heap of dirt bikes that my friends and I all fixed up. They aren’t anything flash, but they do the job.”
“Can’t wait Princess.”
We chat a little bit longer, eventually ending up at my house. I know for sure that Mum will have been asleep for ages now, not bothering to stay up and wait for me. The front light is still on thankfully. Without my phone, I would have been fucked trying to fit the key into the lock. I’m shocked though to see my best friend slouched against the front door fast asleep. In her hands is my purse.
“Ahh... do you know this chick Scarlett?” Dawson questions looking down at my best friend.
Nicky puts me down, my legs wobbly for a second before I eventually remember how to walk. In all honesty, if I had walked home, I am almost certain I would have just fallen asleep in a ditch. Wouldn’t be the first time either.
“Yeah,” I nod, walking over and trying to shake Grace awake. “She’s my best friend.” I laugh.
“Ugh, what the fuck?” Grace says slowly starting to wake. She looks up noticing me and then looks around realising there are guys at my back.
“Fuck, did I just wake up in a why choose romance book? Because I’ve got three holes and two hands.”
“Jesus Grace.” I laugh turning an apologetic look at the guys who just stare at us not knowing how to react. “Sorry about her. Foot in mouth disease.”
“Or dick in mouth disease.”
“Um...” I pause not knowing how to even respond to that until Sonny nearly falls over in hysterics. The rest of us soon followed after him. This girl is my best friend for a reason.
Grace must begin to clear the fog and realise what she just blurted out. Her face reddens and she buries her face in her hands. “Oh my fucking god. I am so sorry.”
“It's okay.” The guys all reassure her.
I turn back to them to help take the heat away from Grace, so she can at least attempt to pull herself together.
“Thanks for walking me home.” I smile looking at each guy. Thank God, I’m home because their returning smiles have absolutely ruined my underwear.
“You’re welcome.” Nicky nods, smiling.
I quickly turn around and grab my phone out of the purse in Grace’s lap who is still drowning in her shame, the poor thing.
“Here, chuck your numbers in here and we can work out plans.” Nicky is the first to take my phone from my hand. He puts his number in quickly before handing my phone off to Dawson who puts his number in.
“I sent myself a text so I’d have your number as well.” Nicky says, smiling at me. The other guys all nod their heads and follow to do the same.
“I will just message you guys in the morning then?” I say, slightly hesitant. I begin to feel a little bit awkward and nervous. The fact that these guys are even giving me the time of day is insane to me.
“Sounds good.” Dawson says finally gracing me with a smile. It's obvious he is what Grace would call the morally grey one of the group. It oozes from him. While we walked home, I was able to take in more of my fill of this man every time we walked under a street light. There was a frown set on his brow that every time he would turn to look at me would completely soften. I could still see the frown marks on his forehead though. It made me want to reach over and run a finger over them. I had to hold myself back. I don’t think this man would appreciate a drunk stranger rubbing his face.