Page 27 of Replacing My Ex
She screamed and lifted me off the bed, and my cock started blasting before I slammed her back down hard onto the mattress. She fainted just as her cervix snapped close around my shooting cockhead, and I couldn’t believe how much cum I still had left after the last round.
It felt like buckets of the shit poured out of me into her, and I held still in her womb until I’d emptied my balls.
* * *
* * *
I woketo him lying between my spread thighs, holding a wet washcloth against my sex. “What happened?”
“You fainted.” He looked into my eyes as he answered, and I felt another shiver run down my spine.
There was a throbbing pain deep inside me, but it was the kind of ache that you chase and not one that you’d run away from. I’m not sure where that thought came from, but it felt right.
I heard water running from somewhere just before he tossed the cloth aside, lifted me in his arms, and headed for the bathroom. At first glance, his bathroom was a thing of art, but I didn’t have a chance to check it out because he stepped into the bubbles in the bathtub with me still held against his chest and sat with me on his lap.
The bubbles smelt amazing, like some kind of eucalyptus or something, and it was very soothing against my aching flesh. I think I fell asleep in the tub as well because when I woke up, I was in his bed with the sheets pulled up around me.
A look at the clock showed that at least two hours had gone by since the bath. I looked around the room for him, but he was nowhere to be found. No sooner had I had the thought that he came walking into the room with a tray.
“I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I ordered you some of everything. The cook was already gone for the day, sorry.” He placed the tray on the bed, and my eyes widened with surprise.
“How did you know what all of my favorite foods are? Did your investigation cover all of this?”
“It did, yes. Is there a problem?”
“No, no, it’s just I never knew they were so in-depth.”
“With you, it was. This last time, at least. I wanted to know everything about you, all your likes and dislikes, your dreams.”
I think I was more touched than appalled. Outside of my parents, I don’t think anyone else had ever taken the time to get to know those things.
On the tray, there was a cheese and fruit platter, steak stuffed with Roquefort, Shrimp in mango sauce, and chicken parmesan. All of these things I know came from different restaurants, and those restaurants aren’t local; they’re back in the town I moved from an hour away. I think that’s when I knew for sure that I was falling in love with him.
After I’d had my fill with him feeding me most of it from his place next to me in bed, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go or stay. In fact, I knew what I wanted, but I wasn’t sure what was conventionally ethical, having never done anything like this before.
He took the decision out of my hands without being asked. He removed the tray and placed it on the table in the sitting room before coming back to bed. Before I could even ask, he climbed back into bed with me, pulled me under him, and slid into me. “You’re staying the night.”
* * *
That was three weeks ago,and ever since then, my life has been a whirlwind. The very next morning, he followed me back to my apartment so I could get ready for work. He asked a lot of questions, most of which seemed to be centered around what time I get to the bakery each day, what time I leave home, and who else was there with me, and none of my answers seemed to please him.
“Pack a bag with enough clothes for a week.”
“What? Why? I can’t take a vacation right now; we practically just opened and….”
“Vacations will come later; right now, you’re staying at my place with me. Unless you want to wear the same thing to work every day.”
“Shouldn’t you ask if I even want to do that?”
“Why would I want to do that?” He seemed genuinely surprised by the suggestion, which, in turn, had me looking at him like he was touched in the head.
“Listen, sweetheart; I’ve waited two years for you; even though you didn’t know that, I did, so I can only live according to what I know and feel; you’ll just have to catch up.”
“I still have no idea what that has to do with you not asking but telling me what to do.” He sighed and gave me a look like I was the one making trouble.
“It’s simple; I know what I want. The only reason I was willing to give you space and time was because of what you went through with your ex, but I’m pretty sure you’re almost over that shit already, or you wouldn’t have ignited in my bed. Since sex isn’t all there is to a relationship, you’re going to need time to catch up to where I’m at, and in case you don’t know where that is, I’m going to marry you. Close your mouth, babe; that’s not a good look.”