Page 40 of Replacing My Ex
Aha,found you. I knew he looked familiar. I’d say one thing for her: Amanda’s taste had improved vastly. If I’d known, Dan would’ve turned out this way. I never would’ve made him my mark, but you live and learn. I’m still young, and there’s another chess piece in play.
I knew the man that broke down our door almost a week ago looked familiar but couldn’t for the life of me place him. That’s because we’d never met, and I’d only seen him in an online Op-ed. Businessman of the Year, three years running. He’s one of the biggest weed distributors in the country with a billion-dollar company and many more than that in his offshoot businesses.
Now, how am I going to do this? How much of a look at my face did he get that day? Would he remember me? No-no, not a head-on meet. I should play this to my advantage.
He’d seen what I had to work with, and he’d asked about my son, which means he cared. That’s it. I’ll ask him for a job at his company. He hires homeless people and derelicts anyway, so why won’t he give me a job?
Especially after I tell him how my son and I are being abused. I felt better than I had in days. I called Cecile and asked her if she could watch the baby the next day because I was going for a job interview. She was only too happy to know that at least one of us was looking for a job.
I looked at her shiftless son with a sneer and got up to go to the restroom. By tomorrow, this time, I’ll have new prospects and a way to get out of this dump. I saw the rock on Amanda’s finger. If she can go from this to that, why can’t I?
I’ve had enough of this mess. It’s been six days, and he’s still acting like an ass. But I miss him; I miss being his baby girl, miss him holding me as I fall asleep or rubbing cream into my tummy to help the itching.
At least this morning, he was there when I woke up, even though he was in the shower. At least that’s a start. He even helped me put my shoes on this morning and held my hand as we walked down the stairs together.
He strapped me in, which was something he always did before he got so angry at me, and even held my hand as he drove. For some reason, by the time he dropped me off at the bakery, I felt this intense guilt. Don’t ask me why, because I haven’t done anything.
When I brought this up to Angel her response was, you only went and got yourself smacked in the face while carrying his child. No biggie. Then she went on to remind me that Thunder was a real man and not the little boy I’d married who I had been raising since we were about thirteen years old.
I never knew she felt that way about Dan and me, but apparently, my whole family feels that way, and no one bothered to tell me because I seemed so happy with him. The way she put the whole situation made me feel even smaller.
I guess I can see where Thunder was coming from and why he’d be mad that I ended up in that situation, but in my mind, it’s not like I set out for that to happen. Still, maybe I should tell him that I see his side of things and promise not to do it again. I’m tired of sleeping without my husband.
A few hours before noon I got the brilliant idea to take him his favorite lunch as an apology and felt better than I had in days as I made the brioche bread he likes to make his favorite creole chicken salad sandwich.
It was a lot of work, running to the store to get the chicken and different seasonings I needed, all of which I had at home but hadn’t thought of this idea until then. In the end, I learned that day that I wasn’t allowed to leave the premises, so one of the guys went to the store for me instead.
I should be mad at his high-handedness, but one of the things he’d said to me in the last few days when he deigned to speak to me, that is, was that as long as his kid was in me, I couldn’t take one step without his say so. Totally mental.
* * *
“Boss,there’s a Deidre Hall here to see you.”
“I don’t know anyone by that name.” I rifled through the papers on my desk and looked for the invoice I had come here for.
“She says she’s here about a job.”
“Send her in.” I’m usually in the nursery for most of the day because I hate being cooped up in an office, so this person caught me at the right time. Why they didn’t go to the hiring manager is anyone’s guess, but every once in a while, this happens, so no biggie.
I barely looked up as the person entered the room. “Hi, Thunder!” I finally looked up, and it took me a second to recognize her.
“What can I do for you?”
“Didn’t you hear him? I’m looking for a job.” Was that smile supposed to be seductive or some shit? She looked like a crackhead in need of a fix.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not in that line of business.”
“And what line of business is that?”
“Look, I sell drugs, not sex. Now get…”
“Thunder, where are you? Cam said you were over here.” Oh shit!
I see that Deidre recognized my wife’s voice because the look on her face changed from the anger brought on by my words to one of calculation. She started opening the buttons of her shirt and making her way around the desk. I guess she’d seen that shit on TV.