Page 44 of Replacing My Ex
With the shit I had Kieran plant in their house, fifty-one pounds of weed exactly, as an unlicensed seller, they’d be looking at eight to thirty-two years, plus a million-dollar fine. Life was going to get very dark for Dan and Deidre pretty soon.
Now I have to find out if the kid is his and, if not, whose he is. Maybe she left family back in Arkansas, or the boyfriend had family if the kid was his that would want to take him. I didn’t feel too good about the kid going into the system, and since I plan on tackling Cecile as well, that was the one stumbling block I couldn’t see past.
I looked into the aunts on Dan’s side, two of which seemed promising, but if the kid is no relation I don’t see them taking him in. I’m hoping now that he’s not his, that he fucked his life away for something that was never his, and I’ll be sure to let him know.
I have a feeling, though, that the mother would be the hardest hit by that since I’ll make sure to remind him that it was his dear old mom who pushed to have this woman in his life while treating his actual wife like shit. My woman.
* * *
I wentto pick up my girl at closing time. Her grandmother had already been taken home by her driver. The evening felt different because there was no wall between us. She looked happy, sounded happy and I liked that way better than the sullen woman who had been sitting next to me for the past week.
It hit me as we drove through the gates of our beautiful home that I never want to see that look on my woman’s face again. I want her to have the full princess in a-castle experience for the rest of her life.
I stopped the car at the beginning of the driveway, where we could see the full view of the castle with the mountains and the evening stars as a backdrop. It was beautiful and poignant, and the feelings I felt sitting there with her, enjoying that spectacular view pierced my heart.
“Babe, do me a favor; if I ever make you feel less than, please tell me right away.”
“What do you mean? Where is this coming from?”
“There’s this thing I’m learning. When you love someone, everything about them matters. Their likes, dislikes, hopes, fears, everything.”
“The way I feel for you is like that. I want only the best for you. I want you to have the life you want, not what anyone else wants for you. But what I want most of all is to be your person, your rock. I want you to never doubt that I will always be here if you fall.”
“I want you to laugh when you feel like it and cry when you want to. Every day when you wake up, I want you to know that there is a person right beside you who will walk through fire for you. And know with all that, that you deserve it.”
“That’s the most important thing, baby, knowing what you’re worth. And for me, there is no number known to man that can match your worth. Come ‘ere, don’t cry.” I held her as she hiccupped and told me she felt the same way.
She kept saying she was sorry, but I realized that I needed to apologize to her as well. “I’m sorry, too. I acted out of anger and that should never be the way I am with you, never with you. I didn’t pine for you for more than two years just to mistreat you now that I’ve got you. My apologies, beautiful. But I still stand by what I told the Doc.”
She laughed at that, and the mood lightened. I drove the rest of the way up the driveway, and we clung to each other on the way inside. Of course, my nosy ass sister was hanging around looking to start shit. “Oh, thank heavens, I thought I was going to have to pull a parent trap on you two. I’m going to bed.”
She waved her hand and disappeared. “What the heck is a parent trap?” I had no idea what any of that meant but that’s nothing new.
“It’s a movie about…. I’ll tell you later. You promised me something this afternoon; I’m ready to collect.”
“Ooh, spicy, I like it.”
“No, you can’t; put me down.” She swatted at my chest when I picked her up in my arms to take her upstairs.
“Light as a feather.” I felt happy. The emotion almost stopped me in my tracks. I’m not sure why I always equated love and desire with happiness. By that, I mean that if you’re in love, then that automatically means you’re happy. But for the first time, I realized that they are two separate emotions, and one doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the other.
I love her; it’s a given that I will love her for the rest of my life, but for the last week, I felt no happiness. Not even the thought of my son lifted the heaviness of what I was feeling. Now I know why. She’s not only my love but my happiness. I wanna be that for her as well.
I kissed her on the forehead when the emotion got to be too much and carried on up the stairs to our room. Once inside, I took her to the shower. I know she’d prefer a bath, but I’d read somewhere that it wasn’t safe. But maybe she knows better. See progress.
“Did the doctor say it was okay for you to take baths?”
“Yes, but there are a lot of stipulations, and besides, the thought of slipping and falling while getting in or out scares me, so no baths.”
I helped her get undressed and then did the same for myself before setting the water temperature just right before taking her in with me. I took my time taking care of her, then stood still while she returned the favor.
I covered her completely in one of my bathrobes, which was the only one that still fit, and took her to bed. My dick was already hard from seeing her naked in the shower, and I needed relief in the worst way after making myself suffer for the past week because cumming on her back felt nothing like emptying myself deep inside her.
But there was no way I was going to fall on her, slate my lust, and not take care of her first. She, too, had been deprived for those days that I was punishing us both.
So I opened my nightstand drawer and retrieved the cream I keep there that she likes for me to rub into her tummy. I took my time rubbing and massaging her stomach as my son kicked the shit out of my hand. I got so caught up that I didn’t feel the burn in my balls, which were growing heavier by the minute.
Then she reached out with a hand and stroked my cock as I massaged the cream into her round tummy. She got a bit aggressive and pulled on my thigh until I gave in and moved closer to her head.