Page 19 of Cruel Boy Toy
“That’s not what I meant,” I say, my voice a whisper. I lick my lips, my eyes falling to his lips as I muster the courage to ask the question. “I mean will you keep using me for your pleasure even if I break it off with Romano?”
That muscle pulses in his jaw, and my back molds the bookcase, my shoulders stiff.
“So you admit you have something going with him,” he states.
“I’m just asking what happens between you and me if I do what you ask and refuse to interact with him ever again.” A little, uncertain pause. “Will you leave me alone?”
He lets go of my chin only for his hand to move absentmindedly to my mouth, his thumb brushing over my lower lip excruciatingly slowly. His eyes follow the move, making me feel like a wounded pigeon under the eyes of a hungry raven.
“I’m afraid that ship has sailed, Professor. I won’t punish you for your future, but I will hold you accountable for your past. Your past needs to hurt in order for you to avoid repeating your mistakes. Such as crossing me.”
He bends down to my lips, his mouth stopping a breath away from mine.
Time stands still, heat growing between us until the air becomes suffocating in all the right ways. But then his eyebrows dip, he looses a snarl and pushes himself away.
My breath catches. Did he just make a huge effort to stop himself from kissing me?
Craving twists my insides, a longing for his kiss slamming into my belly. I don’t just want the touch of his lips; I need it.
“Don’t think you can meet or even talk to Romano behind my back. I will know. I always know.”
With every word, he takes another step away from me until he comes to a halt at the door, flinging down his black shirt to cover the still-visible crest of his cock. He glances over me a few times and, with fluid movements, he retrieves his phone to snap another picture.
“One to go.” He grins. “I’ll enjoy looking at you like this, used and flustered. Wanting more.” He winks and turns around, the crowned flaming skull sneering at me from the back of his leather jacket.
The moment he steps out, I throw myself at the door he left ajar, shove it shut and slam my back against it. Hunkering down, I curl myself into a ball, feeling all sorts of things I shouldn’t feel. Used, abused, constrained, violated? Those are all feelings that should overwhelm me right now, yet they’re all the way at the bottom of the bag. What I feel is elated, excited, profoundly and utterly satisfied. As if, without intending to, Micah Royales gave me exactly what I needed, what I craved so deep down that I didn’t even know it.
Of course, there’s the issue of him being, well, him. I was this close to Romano abusing me, and all I felt was disgust and fear. No, I refuse to believe that I’ve wanted Micah all along. Sure, he’s attractive beyond rhyme or reason, but I’ve grown a thick skin against that. I never let myself go to those places with the students on this campus, and I’m more resilient to the Kings’ power than most women.
But why not where Micah Royales is concerned?
There are five Kings at Norton King’s College, all of them breathtakingly handsome and powerful beyond belief. Most people go their whole lives not knowing such creatures exist, let alone get to meet them. They’re also skilled tormentors that make the girls who fall victim to them beg for their own demise. Just look at what Sade did with Justine. But I can’t see myself combusting from the inside for any of them besides Micah. It seems like he broke a dam when he trapped me against my apartment door, leaving me defenseless against an onslaught of new and frightening emotions.