Page 104 of In the Shadows
“This is why you’re so good for Death and Bass.” Dope shoved a hand through his red hair, rattled.
“As horrible as that was to hear, it proves that you’re good for Death. He would have never confided in us that way.” Kip’s forehead creased with worry. “Well, we either try to stop Death from coming out as much as possible, or we need to find people all over the country for him to take out.”
“Since I learned the truth, I’ve been deep diving into research, and I don’t think there is a way to suppress Death. We just have to look at it as if he’s an assassin, ridding the world of evil. If we feed him his prey, then we can keep him moving.” I folded my arms across my chest.
Dope released a low whistle. “Do you realize what you’re saying? What you’re committing to?”
I placed my hands on my hips. “I’ve had time to think about it, and I’ve made my decision. I’m all in. I love Sebastian, and I love Death. There’s no turning back, and I understand that. I’m already in too deep. I can’t walk away.”
Dope and Kip gave me silly grins. “Welcome to the family for real, Ella. When Sebastian first laid eyes on you, he wouldn’t shut the fuck up and drove me crazy with all things Ella. Now, I’m glad it was you and not anyone else. You’re a badass, and I’m happy you’ve joined us on the crazy train.”
Kip walked over and gave me a brotherly hug. “Whatever you need, I’ve got your back.”
“Thanks.” My chest warmed with his kind words.
“Yup. You managed to handle Death and break him as much as anyone could. You’re a fucking badass in my book.” Dope jumped up and hugged me before pretending he hadn’t had a sentimental moment with me.
“Thanks, guys.” I blew out a heavy breath. “Does this mean I can start assisting with relocating women and kids with you? I would leave my job if it meant I could help change lives.” I beamed at them, loving the idea of the danger and adrenaline pumping through my veins.
Kip scoffed. “You’ll be helping with that I’m sure, but it’s up to Bass. Regardless, you’re on the hunt for twisted fuckers with the rest of us.”
I cocked a brow at him, questioning his choice of words.
“If we’re providing the prey for Death, we have to hunt first,” Dope explained.
“Understood.” I eyed them and smiled. “Before we go, I need your help.” Over the next several minutes, I shared my plan to protect Sebastian from Death trying to kill him again. If they weren’t aware of each other, Sebastian was still in danger.
After the guys left my place, I headed to work for the day. The hours I was keeping were kicking my ass, but I wasn’t sure how to manage my new roles. I knew that a super sexy bartender would be at Velvet Vortex that evening, and I needed time with my bestie.
I stared at the files still needing my attention, but my bosses had already left, and mentally, I was toast. I messaged Cami, asking her to meet me for a drink and dinner at the club. Her reply came in quickly with a hell yeah.
Locking up all the sensitive information, I grabbed my belongings and left. Even though I was always on the lookout for Death, we’d reached a place where I wasn’t as terrified of him. If he popped out from behind the building, I had a better idea of how to handle him—run—and let him chase me because the punishment would be absolutely delicious.
I laughed as I safely hopped in my car, started the engine, and drove out of the parking lot.
Butterflies ran amok in my belly at the thought of seeing and kissing Sebastian. It was crazy how much I missed him throughout the day. Even though I’d told Death I loved him, I had yet to speak those words to Sebastian.
My palms slicked with sweat, and I wiped them on my black pencil skirt. I hadn’t brought a change of clothes for after work so Cami would get me in a full suit with a subtle blue blouse peeking out.
I pulled into the parking lot and parked near the entrance. “Fuck it.” I laughed as I shucked out of my blazer and tossed it into the passenger seat. Pulling the hairpins from the tightly wound bun on the top of my head, I let it tumble over my shoulders.
Damn, that felt good. I ran my fingers through my strands before I collected my purse and exited the car.
As I neared the entrance, I heard a familiar voice.
“Bitch!” Cami yelled.
I turned around, grinning as she rushed at me wearing her green scrubs. She nearly knocked me over with her hug.
“How has it been two days without us talking?”
I hugged her, realizing how deeply I’d missed my bestie. “Because we’re both busy getting laid when we’re not working.”
She broke our embrace, grinning. “Hell. Yes. And damn, is having sex on a regular basis the best.”
I held my arm out, and she slipped hers through mine and flashed me a big smile. “It is the fucking best … pun intended.”
Laughing, we entered the club, “Love Like This” by Zayn pumped through the rooms as we made our way to the bar and settled on some available barstools.