Page 25 of In the Shadows
“Got it. Hold the line.”
Sebastian reached over and squeezed my hand as he focused on the road and waited. “Zayne has his own security company on the East Coast, but he works on this side of the world sometimes too. I met him and his wife at the bar one evening. We’ve been friends for the last few years. Damn good guy.”
Zayne returned. “Officer Bexley is a half mile away. Get into the right lane. Once he sees you, he’ll turn his lights on. Get behind him and he’ll escort you in.”
“I owe ya, man. Thanks.”
Bexley … where did I know that name?
Son of a bitch. It was one of the officers who had been at my home last night when I’d reported an intruder. Dammit, I hope he doesn’t say anything in front of Sebastian. If Sebastian found out that I had a possible stalker, he’d run in the opposite direction. No one wanted a suitcase full of drama.
Chapter 11
My knee bounced as Sebastian drove like a bat out of hell. “Thank you for calling in a favor. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about my dad. It’s just not first date material.”
“It's all right, Ella. We're still getting to know each other, but I'm here if you need anything.”
“I just don’t want to bother you with my drama.”
His forehead pinched. “Don’t think like that.”
With the police’s help, Sebastian pulled into the emergency parking lot in record time. I wasn’t sure that he would truly understand how grateful I was to reach the hospital so quickly.
Sebastian eased up to the curb behind the cop car, and I held my breath as Officer Bexley approached at the driver’s side window.
Please don’t recognize me.
“Hi, Sebastian, I hope everything is …” His words trailed off as he stared at me. I shook my head slightly, hoping he would understand not to say anything about my possible stalker. Until I had more information, I couldn’t risk Sebastian thinking I was a total shit show, or worse, put him in danger.
Officer Bexley cleared his throat as I climbed out of the car before I poked my head back in. “Thank you both. As soon as I know how Dad is, I’ll message you, Sebastian.”
“Do you want me to come in with you?” Sebastian’s tone was soft and concerned.
“No. They only allow families into the intensive care unit. Plus, I’m not sure how long we’ll be waiting to hear something. I’ll talk to you later.” I closed the car door and hurried to the entrance. I slowed, then walked back to the car. Sebastian rolled his window down, and I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for everything.”
“I’m here if you need anything,” he said before I gave him a small wave and left.
A few minutes later, I joined Cami. The intensive care waiting room was abuzz with tension. Fluorescent lights overhead gave a sterile glow, revealing off-white walls with informational posters about health and safety precautions. The seats were arranged in short rows, and Cami was pacing between them, nibbling on her thumbnail.
“Hey, how bad is it?”
“Thank god you’re here.” Cami hugged me, sniffling.
“They wouldn’t tell me much because I’m not family, but since I work here, I was able to talk them into letting me wait until you or your mom arrived.”
Realizing my mom wasn’t around, I asked, “Where is Mom? They’ve talked to her, right?”
She must have seen the fear on my face because she started explaining. “Your mom’s safe and sound, Ella. Take a breath. Since her job practically forced her to Seattle, she couldn’t get a flight home fast enough.” She placed her hands on her hips, pausing. “I stopped by the house to check on him, and when I arrived, he took a sudden turn and was having trouble breathing. His heart rate had dropped really low, so I called 9-1-1 while his nurse tried to help him. Once the ambulance arrived, I followed in my car and called your mom while I was driving.”
“Fuck.” I pressed the heel of my hand against my forehead. “I’ll see what I can find out. Thank you for being there and calling Mom.” I hugged Cami again before I hurried to the nurse’s station with her behind me. I clenched my hands together, trying to ward off the rising panic. Every second felt like an eternity, and the suffocating fear that I couldn’t do anything to ease my father’s pain threatened to consume me.
“Hi, I’m Alexander McCloud’s daughter. He was brought in by ambulance. I was wondering what condition he’s in?” I took out Dad’s additional insurance card I carried with me, no matter what purse I used. With Mom occasionally traveling for work, it was the best way to ensure the hospital received the information. At first, I was furious that Mom still traveled, but my parents risked losing their house if she didn’t. Bills didn’t stop just because someone was skating along the edge of death. It had taken both of us pitching in to hire a full-time nurse for him, but it allowed us a little peace of mind. Sometimes, anyway.
“He’s in the ICU waiting for tests, hon. Do you want to see him? He’s in 515.”
“Thank you very much.” I turned to my best friend. “I’ll text you when I get more information, but at least I can talk to him if he’s awake.”