Page 28 of In the Shadows
Is your father okay? Are you?
I squeezed my eyes closed against the pain. I wanted to see him. Despite my life being a complete disaster, I needed something new and good for just a few moments. Even though I didn’t owe him anything, I should give Sebastian the news about Dad and the opportunity to bow out before things became more complicated.
Can you meet me at the house tomorrow? I’m having an alarm system put in, so I’ll be home all day. We can talk then.
What time?
Would eleven work?
See you then, but message me if you need anything before then.
I will and thank you. My address is 1072 Daisy Drive. See you soon.
Chapter 12
“Focus, Dude.” Dope’s expression twisted with worry. “This shit should be the most important thing on your mind.”
I paced the small room overflowing with Dope’s cameras, video equipment, and devices I didn’t even know the names of. Other than his gaming chair, the only other piece of furniture was an ugly plaid loveseat pushed up against the wall. Every time I stepped foot into his secret dungeon, his intelligence and knowledge of all things tech overwhelmed me. Dope had taught me enough to make me dangerous, but nowhere near his skill level.
“Before we get down to business, there’s something else we need to chat about.” Dope laced his fingers behind his head.
“What’s that?”
“Kip, man. He’s missing work and acting weird as fuck.”
I stood still, staring at Dope and chewing on what he was saying. I’d worked with Kip weekly, but his sudden disappearances for a few days at a time with zero communication with us was messed up. “Do you think he’s using drugs again?”
“No. I think his eyes would be bloodshot, he’d be forgetting things, he’d be all twitchy and shit if he was using. I was there five years ago when he got clean and off heroin. I would recognize the signs. This is something else. Maybe you can talk to him and find out what’s up.”
“Yeah. I’ll do that. I guess I get so busy I didn’t realize how many times it had happened.” I placed my hands on my hips.
“Something is definitely off.”
I rubbed my forehead, trying to relieve the tension. “Why don’t you talk to Kip and let me know what he says.”
“Hopefully that problem will be resolved soon.” Dope slapped his hands together, the noise indicating we were done discussing Kip.
“Moving on to other important business. I need you present and concentrating on what we’re doing. As you’re always telling Kip and me, we can’t afford to fuck up. And I’m happy that you’re into someone, but Ella is all up in your head, man.”
I groaned, refusing to agree with him. “I’m worried about her. She’s got a lot on her plate. If it were good news about her dad, she would have texted me already. And if he’s dying, she might want to try to push me away and not see me again. I hope not, but it would be a normal reaction.”
Dope rolled his office chair backward, glaring at me, his red hair flopping onto his forehead. “You gotta shake it off, man. You know how fucking dangerous it is to get involved with someone. No. Hell, no. Not you, Kip, or me. We made a commitment. If we get caught …” Dope folded his arms across his chest, sucking air through his teeth. “Don’t. Do. It. Break shit off with her now. Like the next time you see her. We can’t afford for you to fall head over heels for her or anyone for that matter. And do you really even know who she is? Have you checked her out? No. You haven’t because you would’ve asked me to dive into her business.”
He raised a finger, halting me from telling him to fuck off.