Page 37 of In the Shadows
“Are you going to kill me?” Her chin trembled with her question.
I sneered as I ran the tip of my knife down her tank top, the cut shirt sliding over her ribcage and exposing her stomach.
She visibly swallowed, and I fed off her fear.
I responded with silence. “You’re even more stunning in real life.” I moved the blade along her breast, a thin line of blood blooming from the surface wound. The sharp pointed tip traced around her nipple, causing it to harden in response to the cold metal.
Her whimper echoed through the space as the sting of the slice met with the cool night air.
Rage simmered inside of me, and I embraced it—welcomed the high that rode in on its coattails. “Did he touch you?”
“Who?” Her chin visibly quivered.
“Sebastian Fletcher. Did he touch your breast?”
My gaze never left hers as I leaned down and licked the blood from her tender skin, savoring every delicious drop. Taking my time, I ran my tongue over the other breast, relishing the taste of her flesh.
“Blood makes me crazy, Ella. I crave it, feed off it. After I’m finished killing my victims, I jerk off. These days my hand isn’t enough. You’re going to replace it just fine.” My maniacal laughter echoed through the house.
I gripped the inside of her leg, her cry of pain making my cock hard with excitement. “I have so much planned for our time together.” Flipping the knife around, I rubbed her wet slit with the handle, her juices glistening off the black leather. Raw power pumped through me as her body responded.
“Please,” she whispered. “Please don’t.” She swallowed excessively, terror twisting her features.
I moved off her bed, adrenaline rushing through my veins as I stood in front of her nightstand, blocking her access from the panic button located beneath the drawer.
“I’m a fair man, Ella, so I’ll make you a deal. If you can reach one of the alarm buttons in the other part of the house, I’ll leave you alone. You’ll be free of me. No more messages, no more stalking. I’ll move on.” Like that would ever happen, but giving her hope before I stripped it away was all part of the game. “And don’t even consider the alarm I’m standing in front of. That would be way too easy.”
She sat up and swung her legs off the bed. “Do I have your word? You’ll leave me alone? I’ll never hear from you again?” Little beads of sweat coated her forehead, her gaze darting toward the kitchen.
I fixated on Ella; her exposed and bleeding body sent shivers racing down my spine. My mind raced with a dangerous intensity, teetering on the brink of uncontrollable desire. The sight of her consumed me, and my senses heightened to levels only matched by the rush of torturing a victim. I was devoured by a primal craving, coursing through my veins like a drug I couldn’t get enough of.
“Yes. But no more chit chat. Run, Ella. Run for your fucking life. I’ll even give you a head start.”
I sneered as she darted from her room, panic written all over her face. Even though I knew where each button was located, she didn’t know that.
My long legs ate up the distance, and I quickly blocked her from reaching the first one beneath the kitchen counter just as she reached to push it.
Ella scrambled around the counter, her eyes wild with fear, desperate to reach the bathroom. Then, she had a moment of clarity and realized her mistake—she should have gone for the living room and the front door instead. She spun on her heels, zigzagging through the furniture in an attempt to escape, but I was quicker. As she lunged toward the gas fireplace mantle, I blocked her again before she could press the button that would have saved her. She scrambled to the front door, tripping and landing on the floor with a thud.
I stalked menacingly behind her as she frantically tried to make her escape.
I lunged forward, grabbed her ankle, and jerked her away from freedom. She screamed in terror, thrashing wildly in an attempt to break free, but I easily overpowered her. I pressed the blade of my knife against her throat, silencing her instantly.
“One more scream, and your blood will be all over the floor. Am I clear?”
“Yes,” she whimpered.
I stepped back and hauled her off the ground by her arm, dragging her into her bedroom like a rag doll.
“No one defies me, little lamb. You just lost the fight.”
She wiggled against my hold on her, somehow managing to slip away. In a desperate attempt for freedom, she sprinted toward the back door. Her hands frantically fumbled with the locks before flinging the door open and running outside.
One, two, three, four steps out on her patio. I had to allow her a little hope before I brought her to her knees.
I clamped my hand over her mouth as I quickly lifted her off the ground and dragged her back into the house. She howled and screamed beneath my palm, her limbs flailing in desperation. I kicked the door closed with a loud bang and threw her onto the floor. She landed on her back with a delightful thud, the air whooshing from her lungs. I towered over her, smiling at the fear danced across her features.