Page 59 of In the Shadows
Anger stirred to life inside me. How had I gotten so sucked into Death’s grip? There was no way I wanted to drag Sebastian into the middle of my mess. At the same time, I couldn’t walk away from him. He was a good guy with a side of bad boy, and that was sexy as hell. We had potential together, and I wanted to go out with him again. My relationship with Death was toxic at its best. He’d sucked me into his sick, fucked-up world without a second thought. There was no remorse for his actions, and I wasn’t a real person to him. I was just a doll he could manipulate in his world. Yeah, I liked parts of it … a lot. The sex was out of this world, and there was a part of me that loved being degraded. But we would always be on the run. I wanted more in life than to constantly look over my shoulder.
Sebastian could offer everything I’d dreamed of—a deep connection, lazy afternoons in each other’s arms, traveling, and so much more. I couldn’t wait for him to get home, so we could spend more time together.
Reality snapped me out of my brain fog, and my body stiffened. I set my drink on the glass coffee table and jumped off the couch. It was time to do some digging and find out who was beneath the mask and rid him from my life once and for all.
Chapter 25
“Wolves know when to be silent, lambs do not, and in that silence, the wilderness listens.” ~ Anonymous
The last several days had been hell without seeing my little lamb, but I had work to do. My next victim was in Washington state, close to the Canadian border. The son of a bitch had struck close to home, and my revenge was personal. My mission should have coated me with the rich velvet of satisfaction, but all I could think about was the unbearable loneliness that awaited me afterward.
I stood near the property’s tree line, my black clothes and grim reaper mask blending effortlessly into the darkness. John Bordeaux sat in his living room, the light of the television casting an ominous glow over him. His tumbler full of his favorite bourbon was within reach as he relaxed in his tan leather recliner, wearing only his boxers and white tank. The disgusting bastard was utterly oblivious to the fact that I was watching.
Movement on his TV caught my attention, and I moved through the trees for a closer look. A girl appeared on the screen, then another, and another. Each was young, and their heads hung down. They all wore the same thin, drab dresses that reached from their neck to their bare feet. He paused the video, his expression twisting into one of pleasure as his hand disappeared inside his boxers. I hoped he enjoyed his orgasm because it would be his last.
Without a sound, I slipped into his house and left the back door cracked just in case I hadn’t anticipated the unexpected and needed to haul ass out of there.
Luckily for me, but not so much for John, he had traveled extensively searching for the next girl he wanted to buy, which made it easy for me to spend time inside the house and install some fun gadgets.
I shoved a hand in my jacket pocket and pressed a button on the small remote control. The long, navy curtains began to close.
“What the hell?” He shot out of the chair, staring as the heavy drapes completely concealed the floor-to-ceiling windows.
He had gotten cocky, thinking no one could see his activities since thick woodlands surrounded his house. What he hadn’t counted on was me having had eyes on him for over a year. This particular kill would be worth the wait, but I had so much more in store for him than my other victims.
I pushed another button on the remote, and the television turned off and on multiple times.
Over the next several minutes, I continued to fuck with his head, playing with his recliner and lights as he grew more and more frantic.
Terror registered on John’s face as he stilled.
“Hello? I know someone is here. Show yourself.”
Maybe he wasn’t as stupid as he looked, since he realized I was inside his home, but I doubted it. The son of a bitch was shopping for little girls in the middle of his living room with the curtains open. That shit got you … killed.
With a click of a button, I turned off all the gadgets’ illuminating lights, and pitch-black darkness replaced them.
“Who are you?” He asked, his voice hoarse and barely hovering above a whisper.
Silent as a ghost, I stalked toward him, the sound of my pulse thundering in my ears. Adrenaline surged through my veins like a drug as I imagined his lifeless body splayed out on a table, blood spilling from his wounds and pooling on the floor beneath him.
The familiar itch under my skin returned tenfold as I drew closer behind him, and a burning sensation of power licked through me. I flexed my gloved fingers before I wrapped my hand around his throat, cutting off his air supply. I wanted the bastard to beg for his life.
“Welcome to your worst nightmare, John. Let me introduce myself.” I leaned close to his right ear. “I’m Death.”
He clawed at my arm in a futile attempt, but it was useless. Over the years, I had built extraordinary strength in my fingers. His pulse throbbed against my thumb as I reached into my jacket pocket with my free hand and located the needle. I pulled off the cap with my teeth and jabbed it into the side of his neck. Within seconds, he dropped to the floor with a hard thud, completely unconscious.
I scowled in hatred as I drove my booted foot into his side, feeling the sickening crunch of his ribs breaking. With a smirk, I grabbed his right leg and wrenched it sideways, hearing it snap at its joints. Then I brought down my boot with force onto his knee, crushing bone and cartilage with an audible crack. If I hadn’t just shattered it, I would soon. If the motherfucker woke up, he had zero chance of running now.
Clenching my jaw shut in a victorious sneer, I double checked that he was truly out cold before I moved through the house.
I grasped my trusty mini flashlight in one hand as I used the other to methodically rip out the overhead lights and tiny cameras that I’d planted in each room to track John with minimal effort. All the while, I stayed alert for any sudden movements from him.
A soft scuffling pulled my attention away from the current task, and I stilled, listening intently. What the fuck?
I hurried toward the noise and to his bedroom. As I approached his closet, the sound grew louder.