Page 62 of In the Shadows
“Yeah, stuffy clothes. You’re definitely not stuffy. You’ve always enjoyed dancing on the edge of trouble. It’s only been after college graduation that you reeled it in.”
“I had to. It’s not like I could do a good job and start a serious career while drinking, fucking all the bad boys, and sleeping all day.” A touch of a smile graced my lips before I took a drink of my Jack and Coke.
Her brow arched. “You miss it, don’t you? I can tell. Not the drinking and sleeping all day, but the assholes who treated you like shit.”
“Why would you say something like that? I mean, Sebastian is a great guy.”
She gave me a half-shrug and chewed on her straw before she stirred her drink. “Just a gut feeling.” Cami grinned at me. “But maybe Sebastian will tame the beast inside you.”
The corner of my mouth twitched. Cami’s words struck home harder than she realized, but I couldn’t tell her about Death and my pull to him. He was my twisted, dark secret … Maybe forever.
Ready to change the topic, I asked, “How’s your hot cop? Has he visited you at work lately?”
She scrunched her nose and grinned. “His name is Ryan, and he asked me out today.”
“What? Why didn’t you lead with that?” I playfully smacked her on the shoulder. “Now who’s holding out?”
Cami laughed. “I’ve only been here for ten minutes.”
“Well, are you going out with him?” Acid churned in my stomach as I realized she might date a cop. What if he suspected something about Sebastian and me, or I let something slip about Death?
“Yeah. Tomorrow night after we’re both off work. I’ll hurry home, shower, and get ready, then he’ll pick me up. He’s going to take me out for dinner.”
“I hope he takes you somewhere nice. You deserve to be pampered.”
“Actually, I don’t know where he’s taking me, but I’m looking forward to spending time with him outside of the hospital.”
“If nothing else, dine and ride.” I winked at her.
“Oh, I plan to ride just to test his stick shift out. It’s been way too long.”
I can’t say the same. “Me too.” My pulse kicked up a notch. I hated lying to my best friend. If I was going to continue to live a double life, though, it was a fact that I would have to adjust to.
Cami groaned before she fished out her phone and looked at the screen. “Dammit. I just got a text from work. They called me back to the hospital.”
“What? Do you have to go?” I asked, disappointment clear in my tone. “You just got here.”
She slid off her seat and pushed her Long Island iced tea at me. “Either drink it or toss it. Just don’t drive drunk.” Cami leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Love ya, bitch.”
“You too. Be safe.”
Cami waved goodbye as she made her way to the front of the club, and I blew out a heavy sigh. My thoughts raced as I secretly hoped that Cami found someone else other than a police officer. The idea of spending time with her and a cop boyfriend sounded like an absolute nightmare. Sebastian and I would be walking on eggshells, watching every word that came out of our mouth. I reined my thoughts back in. If her relationship progressed, I would deal with the complications then.
“Did she leave?” Riley asked, nodding at Cami’s drink.
“Yeah. She’s a nurse and she got called back to the ER.”
“Do you want her drink?”
“No. I’m good, thanks for asking.”
Riley picked up the glass and tossed the contents into the sink before she loaded it onto a rack to be washed.
“Is Kip working tonight?”
Riley nodded. “He’ll be in soon. We both close since it’s Friday.”
“Well, tell him I said hi.” I ordered some fries to go and finished my Jack and Coke while they cooked. I tapped my fingers on the counter, realizing I had time alone. When my order was ready, I told Riley good night and hurried to the parking lot. I needed to head to the office.