Page 66 of In the Shadows
Shivers racked her body, and I moved her wet hair from her shoulder.
“How did it start?” I wrapped my arms around her, protecting her from the monsters lurking in her memories.
“He bought a new camera and told my parents that since I was so photogenic, I would be a great study. They’d known him for years and never questioned his intentions. I didn’t have a lot of friends since we were new to Portland, so I hung out with him most of the time when my parents were still at work. To them, he was a great babysitter, trustworthy.” Her tongue darted over her lower lip before she continued. “When I was alone with him, he dressed me up in frilly outfits and told me how pretty I was.”
I rubbed the back of her neck, absorbing her fear and tension in the warmth of my palm.
“It continued for a few months before he …” She sniffled and swiped at her nose. “He talked me into taking off my shirt. I was eight, so I wasn’t developing much yet, but he didn’t care. He made me promise that I wouldn’t tell anyone, or he would murder my mom and make me watch. By the time I was old enough to understand that he was a pedophile, I was so brainwashed and terrified, I didn’t know what to do.”
“You’re safe now, little lamb.” I stroked her hair as if she were still a child but secure with me instead of that sick motherfucker.
“When I was twelve, he started touching me. But I wasn’t the only one. He had some other kids a few years younger than me by that time too. He made them watch as he forced me to pose for the camera, how to spread my legs for a better angle.” Her voice trailed off. “His threats to kill my mom extended to my dad and our dog. I was terrified that I would do the wrong thing all the time. Finally, something in me snapped when he brought over a little girl who was only seven. I realized that I had to make him stop.” She snorted. “If only.”
I watched as she struggled to take an even breath.
“One day, he left us unattended for a few minutes while he took a phone call upstairs in his house. I stole one of the VCR tapes that he’d used. All of the kids were on it. I slipped it into my backpack before I replaced it with a different one in the recorder. I wasn’t sure how often he checked them, but I only needed a few hours to do what I had planned. After we were finished that day, I walked the little girl home, scared to go to my house in case he found out what I’d done. It was getting dark early, so I took a back way to the police station a few blocks away. When I was close, I scribbled a message on a scrap of paper and told them to watch the video and catch the bad man that was hurting the kids. I never signed my name, just stuck the tape and note into my brown bag I’d used for lunch. It took me forever to work up the nerve to slip into the building undetected and leave the evidence on the receptionist’s desk when she’d stepped away.”
As she continued to tell me about the horror she lived through, my feral anger festered like an abscess inside my dark soul.
As a sob escaped Ella and more tears rolled down her cheeks, my heart and mind waged a silent war. My little lamb needed peace from her tormented past, and I could grant that. First, though, she had to tell me the rest.
“Was he caught?”
“No.” Her nose sounded stuffy from her cries. “He must have seen the cops at his house and ran because no one saw him again.”
“What’s his name?” My tone was soft. The darkness she’d been battling was too heavy to fight alone any longer.
She bolted upright, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and morbid curiosity. “Are you going to track him down?”
“Give me his name.”
She swallowed excessively, the wheels in her head turning as she processed what I was asking.
“I assume that I wasn’t the only one, Death. When he left, he most likely found new children to hurt. I’ve never searched, but I’m sure the videos are all over the dark web.”
I stood and placed her on her feet. She grabbed the towel, held it in place, and stared up at me.
“Give me his name,” I growled.
Her chin shook as a rush of emotions flashed across her face. “Are you going to murder him if I do?”
“I will torture him, then kill him slowly as he pleads for forgiveness before I rip his foul soul from his body. Just thinking about what I’ll do to him makes me want to cum.” It fueled the violent storm that existed inside of me, driving me to rid the world of yet another disgusting monster.
Ella dropped her towel on the floor. My attention traveled from her full breasts, over her stomach, and to her creamy thighs. She reached out and cupped my hard cock through my slacks, massaging me.
As I roughly grabbed her wrist and moved her hand away, shock and rejection pinched her features.
“Name,” I demanded, seething.
She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Seconds ticked by before she finally spoke. “Promise me that you’ll make him suffer before you kill him.” She closed her eyes as if it could change her past and future if she refused to face it.
“You have my word, little lamb.” I would take the weight of the world for Ella. Take her pain and carry it on my shoulders straight to the pits of hell as I sought revenge on those who hurt her.
Her steely gaze found mine. Then his name tumbled off her pretty lips.
Chapter 29