Page 86 of In the Shadows
“Yeah. It’s crazy how the trip home drained me. I hate it. I feel weak and helpless.”
“Stop. You’re not either of those things. It’s as simple as this. Rest and take care of yourself, and you’ll be back to normal in no time.”
Sebastian pressed his forehead against mine, and my heart stuttered. “Thank you for staying with me.”
“I’m happy to be here.”
He lowered his head, kissing me. “It would make me feel better if you wore a little nurse uniform for me while you’re here.”
His chuckle sent delicious shivers through me. As much as I wanted to tear his clothes off and feel him inside of me, it couldn’t happen. Not yet. Maybe it was for the best, allowing us to spend time together before we ravished each other.
“I’ll see what I can do. Let’s get you tucked into bed.” I playfully swatted his ass cheek.
“Come with me.”
I arched my brow, giggling at his choice of words. “I’ll join you until you fall asleep.”
He flashed me an ornery grin as he led the way.
After Sebastian passed out, I slipped away and closed his bedroom door. I stretched, staring at the high ceilings filled with the bright light from the early afternoon sun. My stomach growled, and I strolled down the hall, my bare feet not making any noise as I headed to the kitchen. I had only been there once before, so I had yet to learn where anything was. I opened the stainless-steel refrigerator, searching for food that wasn’t spoiled, but his fridge was practically empty, with only a half-gallon of expired milk. After I emptied the carton into the sink, I then located the trash at the end of the island. I searched the cabinets, still not finding anything worthy of consumption. My fingernails tapped against the black marble counters, and I realized that I was at Dope’s mercy until he brought groceries by. I checked my watch, hoping it would be soon.
Soaking up the minutes of silence, I tried to relax, but my brain kicked into gear. I sifted through the conversation I’d overheard between Dope and Kip had at the hospital. What had they been talking about, and what hadn’t I figured out?
The doorbell chimed, startling me out of my thoughts. I hurried to the door and peered through the peephole, nearly crying with joy. I flung it open and smiled at Dope. “Please tell me you have some food.”
I moved out of the way and let him in. Both arms were loaded with reusable grocery bags. “I figured he had absolutely nothing in his house. The man lives at the club.”
“Makes sense.” I took a bag from each arm, and we walked to the kitchen. “He’s still sleeping. He’s been out for a few hours.”
“Good. He needs it. He’s a grumpy bastard when he’s running on fumes.” Dope started to unload and put the groceries where they belonged. “The brown bag has Chinese food. Help yourself. There’s more than enough for all of us.”
I rubbed my hands together. “You’re my hero.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far, but thanks.”
Once everything was put away, Dope grabbed us plates and silverware. We sat at the table, and I scooped some sweet and sour chicken onto my plate. We were quiet as we dove into our food. My stomach dipped as I realized that I needed to have a conversation with Dope, and I hoped that he would keep it between us.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. What is it?” he asked around a bite of Mongolian beef.
“I overheard you and Kip talking about me. You said you were surprised I hadn’t figured it out. What did you mean?”
Dope’s fork hovered in the air, a chow mien noodle slithering off and landing on his plate.
I leaned forward and pinned Dope with an intense gaze. “I think Kip is into some bad shit, and you’re covering for him.”
Dope put his fork down and rubbed his jeaned thigh with his hand. “You don’t understand, Ella. I really thought you were figuring it out, but guess I was wrong.”
“Figuring out what?” I waited for him to respond, but he stayed silent. “Dope, tell me before Sebastian wakes up. If you don’t, I’ll tell him that Kip is behind the car accident and possibly more …” My stomach catapulted to my toes as the rest of the words lodged in my throat. I couldn't deal with the rest of that mess at the moment. It would have to wait until I knew Sebastian was safe.
Dope’s jaw clenched. “You can’t do that, Ella. You've got it all wrong. Yeah, Kip was following Bass the night of the car accident, but it's not what you think. He was trying to protect him.”
“Then start talking. Now.”
“Not here. Let me call Kip to come over and hang out with Bass. Tell Bass that you need to grab some things from your house, and I’ll meet you there.”
My nostrils flared as I protested. “Until I get answers, Kip can’t be alone with Sebastian. I don’t trust him.”