Page 12 of Cowboy Flirt
“I think it’s about time I followed in your footsteps, Bowen,” I said. “From now on, I’ll leave the rodeo to younger men than me.”
A small smile twitched beneath Bowen’s dark mustache.
“A wise decision, even if it did come a little too late to spare you.”
Movement in the hallway drew my attention to the hallway. A familiar figure with frizzy hair and green eyes ducked out of sight.
Was that…Rory?
No. Maybe I was seeing things—hallucinating from the painkillers. Or maybe I just wished she was here.
“I expect you’ll be laid up for a while,” Grady said, pulling my attention back to the conversation.
“Don’t worry, sir. I’ll still find a way to earn my keep. And Cody can handle any chores I won’t be able to do.”
“Hey,” Cody protested. “I didn’t volunteer for that.”
“Got other plans to occupy your time? Like a date with Rory?”
A sudden beat of silence fell over the room as all heads turned to Cody. He stared at me with a wide-eyed blink. I shouldn’t have brought it up—it was between him and Rory. But I couldn’t help nursing a pesky little grudge that wouldn’t leave me alone.
Seeing Rory kiss him so quickly and eagerly got under my skin in a way that made me…well…jealous.
It was a strange feeling. I’d never experienced it before with anyone else.
Only Rory.
Cody’s face flushed beet red but he squared his shoulders.
“Maybe I do.”
“Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference either way,” Bowen cut in. “We’ll split the workload evenly among us until you’re back on your feet, Beau. Speaking of which, it’s about time we returned to the ranch so you can rest.”
He fixed me with a stern look as everyone made their way out the door. I knew a firm talking-to was about to happen as soon as we were alone.
When the room had emptied out, Bowen approached the foot of my bed and lowered his voice.
“Don’t throw that boy under the bus. Just because he’s having more luck with the lady you’re sweet on doesn’t mean you bite his head off, is that clear? I won’t be having brawls in my bunkhouse. Especially over a woman.”
“Do I look like I’m in any condition to start a brawl?” I countered.
“Men have started wars for less. And whenever you’re involved with a woman, you don’t do much thinking with your upstairs brain. You’re a good cowboy, Beau. I don’t want to kick you out because of something stupid like this, got it?”
I sighed and nodded my understanding. After Bowen left, the hospital room seemed overly quiet and empty. I was used to a bunkhouse full of rowdy men who smelled like horses, cattle, and mountain air. Or I spent the night in the company of a woman.
Trying to sleep in a room alone felt cold and lonely, hollow. I rubbed my aching ribs. The thought of checking myself out and heading back to the bunkhouse was tempting. I wasn’t looking forward to hearing Cody gush about dating Rory, but at least I wouldn’t be here, in this silent room all by myself with the memory of that kiss to haunt me.
The whisper of a footstep made me look up. A braid of frizzy hair swung out of sight.
Nope, definitely hadn’t imagined that. She was real and she was here.
“Wait a minute,” I called. “Get back here, darlin’.”
A few seconds ticked by. Then Rory emerged, lingering at the threshold of my room with a box balanced in her hands. Warmth swelled in my chest at the sight of her.
“Well, look at you,” I said. “Paying me a visit because you’re all concerned for my well-being.”
Rory held up the box and slid it onto the bedside table.