Page 31 of Cowboy Flirt
“I don’t think so.”
I chuckled, stretching out my legs.
“Well, you’re certainly going to keep me humble, aren’t you?”
“Someone has to do it.”
Rory and I talked for nearly an hour as she prepared for bed. The background noises of her daily life punctuated our conversation—the clinking sound of silverware, the rush of the faucet before she brushed her teeth, the whisper of the sheets as she pulled them aside and climbed into bed. When her words started to slur together with exhaustion, I knew I had to hang up and let her get some sleep.
“Don’t go,” she protested. “Stay for a few more minutes.”
“You’ll be in dreamland by then, sweetheart. I’ll call tomorrow, like I promised.”
She gave a relenting sigh.
“Okay. I’ll wear some cute panties, too, so you can ask what color they are.”
I stifled a groan.
“Rory, don’t torture me like that.”
She laughed and yawned again.
“Good-night, Beau.”
“Sweet dreams, darlin’.”
I sighed and rolled over in my bunk, still wide awake. As soon as Rory and I hung up, the ache of missing her gradually began to return, settling in my chest all over again. The echo of her voice wouldn’t stop replaying in my head.
I’m your girl?
I hated that doubt was haunting her. I hated that she worried I might change my mind. All I could do was think about her with a deep, gnawing hunger that drove me to distraction. Hell, I couldn’t sleep without her beside me, and she thought I didn’t love her enough to stick around?
Before I realized what I was doing, I sat up, tugging my boots on and buttoning my shirt. The digital clock on the wall showed 12:33am. Bowen would be waking everyone up in a few hours to start work. I had some time to clear my head with peace and quiet.
Scrubbing a hand through my hair, I grabbed the keys to my truck off the rack by the door and stepped outside. The next thing I knew, I stood on the doorstep of my mother’s little farmhouse on a few modest acres of land. I lifted my hand to knock and stopped just short of making contact.
It was the middle of the damn night. What the hell was I doing here?
Just as I turned to leave, the scratch of the lock indicated I hadn’t made my getaway fast enough. Ma opened the door, tugging her robe around her with a look of alarm.
“Beau? I thought I saw your truck rolling up the driveway. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I was passing by and I thought I’d stop in to check on you,” I replied, lying through my teeth.
Ma didn’t buy it. Not for a second.
“It’s almost one o’clock in the morning, sweetie,” she replied, with a look that said, try again, and be a little more convincing this time.
“Ruth? Who are you talking to?”
I raised my eyebrows at the masculine voice that echoed from inside the house. My gaze flicked to Ma.
“You weren’t kidding when you said you were serious about this guy, huh?”
A pleased little flush crept across her cheeks.