Page 16 of Taste of Love
Tracey throws an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into her side for a quick hug. “And you deserve that. Someone who understands. All that piece of shit did was just push you until you broke. And then you wouldn’t let us talk about it or help. But I’ve seen you happier for a while. This isn’t new, is it? Well, keep him. Shit, should I stop calling him Daddy Raphael? Is that weird for you?”
I snort. “It’s a little weird.”
“Do you call him Daddy?”
“Tracey, no. That’s… not our thing.” I think back to a few days ago when Raphael asked me if it was something I was interested in. It wasn’t. It still isn’t. However, I’m intrigued by the spankings he mentioned. My attention flits over to my lover, impeccably dressed, and holding an intense conversation with someone else. His gaze darts over to me, his lip turning up for a split second before he returns to his conversation. Heat gathers in the pit of my belly as I think of several random animal facts to keep my dick soft.
It’s not fair how easily he riles me up.
More giggles fall from Tracey’s lips as she pats my shoulder and then sifts into the crowd to partake in the chaos. I stay around the edge, content to stuff my face with little shrimp balls and mini beef patties. The suit makes me slightly uncomfortable and the longer I stand around, the more I realize I shouldn’t have come. Raphael was right. This isn’t my scene.
I move onto the next table, staring at the bubbles as they flit to the top of the flutes. Champagne isn’t my thing. Alcohol isn’t either but I’ve heard it can calm nerves so I grab one and sip, my nose turning up at the way it burns my tongue. Definitely not my thing but I chug it anyway, shivering when the bubbles tingle down my throat. It’s not so bad when it’s gone.
Wanting to fit in, I down another one, placing both glasses back onto the table where others have been discarded. Then I grab a third and start to make my rounds. The anxiety starts to fade away and a calm, bubbly happiness replaces it. I kind of feel like I’m floating and every moment glides along effortlessly. My vision wobbles and then clears and I nearly stumble into someone on my right. He catches my elbow before chuckling at my humbled expression.
“Don’t sweat it. Raphael always throws great parties. I haven’t seen you in the tech offices though.” He grins at me and then sticks out his hand. “Shawn Ford.”
He’s one of the investors and he’s just as put together as Raphael always is. Shawn is just a tad taller than me and no more than five years older than me. How he’s in the position he is at such a young age astonishes. “Right. Atlas. Stoll.” I shake his hand and throw him a wiry grin, trying to remember anything intelligent to say. Nothing great comes out. Nothing ever does in these situations. I’m pretty sure I spout some shit about a koala and Shawn bursts out laughing.
“I can’t say I’ve heard that one, Atlas. Where do you work?”
My gaze shoots over to Raphael and then back to Shawn. “Uh, the café. I’m in my last semester.”
He nods as if my schooling is what’s keeping me from assuming a job in Raphael’s company. That’s hardly it at all. I’m not great around computers and the extent of my technological knowledge extends to an espresso and POS machine. “That’s fantastic. I assume you’re studying something with animals? I own a small vet clinic just a city over. Cute little place. You should intern there after you graduate.” He digs into his pocket for a business card and shoves it into my hand. “They could use a little excitement and that smile of yours could be just what they need.”
“I don’t know what to say.” I stare at the thick gold and black embroidered words on his card.
“Say you’ll call that number after you graduate. Graduation is next week. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.” Shawn slaps my back and adds a wink before pointing to the table. “I’m grabbing another glass. Want one?”
I shake my head and watch as he leaves, clutching my own glass in my hand a little tighter than it needs to be. My phone buzzes in my pocket and it takes me a full moment to pull it out and make out the words on the screen.
Are you alright? You look a little pale.
It takes me an embarrassingly long time to punch in a response.
I’m fine. Just a lot.
I turn away from Raphael’s view so that I can down this third glass and place it on the table. For someone who doesn’t usually drink, I’m a complete lightweight and I’m starting to feel the effects. My vision blurs again and I hold the edge of the table to steady myself. A firm arm slides around my waist, Heather’s soothing voice meeting my ears.
“You’re drunk, Atlas. I’d advise you sit down somewhere and I’ll grab some water.” I moan my displeasure with that idea, wanting to wander a little. With the alcohol running through my veins, I feel less anxious. “Don’t fight me on this unless you want Raphael to come over here. Because he will. He’s very protective of you.”
A giggle peels from my lips. “He won’t do anything.”
“I won’t do what, little one?”
I twist around to see Raphael and instinctively, I try to straighten up and fail. My head spins with the movement and Heather tightens her hold on me. Raphael steps closer, lowering his voice so only the three of us can hear him. God, this is so embarrassing.
“What are you doing, Atlas?”
“Eating? Making conversation.” The last word is slurred even as I try to repeat it and then slur it worse.
Raphael chuckles and then his expression sharpens with concern. “Yes, of course. Let’s go home.”
“The shelter is closed,” I slur and then realize that’s the first time Heather has gotten a peek into my life. I hear her mumble ‘sweetheart’ before she presses a kiss to my temple. She continues to hold onto me as Raphael lets out a deep breath, no doubt trying to find the right words.
“Atlas, you’re tipsy. On the verge of being drunk and as much as I love that silly smile on your lips, I’d much rather take care of you before you end up with a hangover. As for home, I would have never asked you to come if I had been planning on making you find your own lodging. You’re coming home with me.” The last of his words end on a purr as he drags me out of Heather’s arms and to his chest. “And before you fight me on this, I’m not letting you take the bus, either. Not in your current state. Can you walk?”
I muster up a smile and take a step before shaking my head. It feels like everything is spinning as he winds an arm around my shoulder and guides me to the entrance. “Everyone is going to know, Raphael.”