Page 3 of Taste of Love
“Raphael still giving you a hard time?”
I shake my head. “No, it’s just been a few days since we’ve seen each other. I’m sorry. I told him my break was ending and-” Before I knew that Heather knew, these conversations were weird. They still are but it’s nice knowing I have someone in my corner. My mother used to be that for me, now it’s Heather.
Heather taps my shoulder, sending me a warm smile as she squeezes. “Hey, love doesn’t listen to time. I’m not mad. Just worried about the toll it’s taking on you. Atlas, you love hard and I saw what breaking up with your last beau did to you. You let me know if I need to step in.” I narrow my gaze at her, wondering what she’ll do. I’m hoping Raphael won’t punish her by closing down the café. “I have my ways, Atlas. Now, get to the latte machine. Tracey has no idea how to work it and I’m sure the next button she presses will either break it or cause a meltdown.”
We both share a laugh as I head for the counter, throwing up little waves and hellos at the regulars in line. Heather is right, though. I do love hard and I need to figure shit out before things go sideways with Raphael. That would involve talking, something that terrifies me.
Chapter 2
“Stop playing with that kid, Mr. Pierce.”
My attention whips up to the woman strolling into my office. Her mother, Karla, has been on vacation for the past two days and sent me a replacement. Karla promised me that the replacement would behave but June has done anything but behave. She seems to have a general interest in my personal life and one of the executives that sits in the office one level below me. However, she has kept my schedule intact, which is all I needed for the days Karla was out.
Still, I will let Karla know that I’d rather eat dirt than have her daughter back in my building. She may be a sweetheart but here, June is anything but. “June, you’re a great fill-in for your mother. Let’s keep it at that.” The last sentence comes off clipped but I rather that than June think I’m joking. I step around the shattered trophy that bounced off the desk while I was fucking Atlas’ sweet ass, a sly grin spilling onto my lips with the memory. The obvious tension in Atlas’ shoulders when it fell apart makes me laugh.
He is so concerned about the money that I think he misses the fact that it doesn’t matter. None of this does. I’d give it up in a heartbeat. It was my father’s dream before he handed it to me. When he passed away, all he asked was that the company be taken care of. Not trusting anyone else to lead the tech company he built, I’ve stayed in this position. The moment I find someone else capable, I will hand it over and never look back.
Legacy be damned.
I grab a few documents for a meeting I’m late for, frowning when I find June still standing in my office. “Do you need something?”
“He’s nearly half your age!”
She seems really bothered by my relationship with Atlas. She can’t have met him more than once or twice in passing, although my reputation precedes me. My lovers never last long, mostly due to my chaotic schedule and my ability to close off my emotions when I realize the relationship won’t work out. I like the sex, they get a bit of the lavish lifestyle, and then we part ways. That’s how it’s been for years. Until Atlas. My aspiring animal doctor has been my obsession for the better part of three months and I only want more, not less of him.
Those three words have nearly slipped a few times but he’s not ready for that.
I ignore her outburst as I stand in front of my full-length mirror, ensuring that the look I pride myself on has returned. I’m not vain but I also don’t need this investor to know that I was fucking my lover a few moments ago. I can still feel his soft hair between my fingers, the sight of him on his knees just before he left doing all sorts of things to me. My cock thickens slightly in my pants and I bite back a groan at what I truly wanted to do to Atlas when he sauntered into my room holding my coffee.
Those luscious curls bounced around his full face, his bright aura bursting through the room. He’s only a few inches shorter than me but our personalities—at least based on the one I let the world see—couldn’t be more different. His doe eyes widen every time he steps into my office, a timid smile placed on his lips as he waits for me to direct these moments.
I’m waiting for the day he feels comfortable enough in his own skin to call me. To tell me he needs me just as much as I need him.
Satisfied with my look, I turn to face June again. “Who I spend time with is none of your business, June. I thought your mother relayed my policies to you, one of which is not to concern yourself with my private matters.” Her angry expression contorts further, her fists clenching at her sides. Why it bothers her so much, I’m not sure and I don’t really care. I will care if she messes with Atlas, however. “I would advise you to stay out of my relationship. It’s 100% consensual.”
It’s then that I realize that while I may call him to come to me, Atlas almost always starts it. His bratty mouth and snarky comments have me bending him over my desk every time. I chuckle. He edges me on until I snap.
June is about to speak again but I merely hold up my hand. She can discuss this with her mother as Karla knows far more than any woman should about my private affairs. “This investor. Still in the waiting room?” June nods and I wait for her to leave my office before closing the door behind me. My attention shifts to the investor as I wipe my thoughts of Atlas and his perfectly round and thick ass.
At least I try to.
Chapter 3
Are you alright? Heather mentioned that you left your shift early.
I’ve been thinking over the same text for several minutes as I stand a few inches from the espresso machine I’m supposed to be manning. I didn’t mean to skip out on him last night but playing over every scenario where I brought up the ‘where is this going’ signaled an end to our relationship. Heather caught onto my distraught expression and dismissed me before I paralyzed myself with every disastrous breakup nightmare I could think up.
My car not starting up piled onto my issues and finding out that the shelter had no more cots last night did me in. I nearly missed the last bus back to the café, but made it in time to curl up in my backseat, tucked in with my favorite blanket and the plushie I had had since high school. Not the best for my back, which is why I can hardly keep my eyes open right now. Raphael is also late.
It’s 8:01 am and there hasn’t been a request for coffee. He hasn’t stopped in either, which is odd. In the three months I’ve known him, he’s never taken a day off. I wring a towel in my hand as my eyes graze the front entrance of the café. Is he sick? Maybe he’s avoiding me. Did not answering him last night make him think we were over?
Steam hisses behind me and I scramble to grab the milk for the latte I’m supposed to be focusing on. Raphael is never late. I’ve fucked this up, haven’t I? I hurriedly swirl the milk into the coffee mug and add a finishing touch of cinnamon and sugar crystals before handing it to Tracey so she can complete the customer’s order.
I pull out my phone and text Raphael back.