Page 9 of Taste of Love
“Why?” This conversation took a turn I wasn’t expecting but that’s rather normal for us. Raphael wants to talk about something serious and then I turn everything into a game, seeing how far I can push him until he snaps. I love the hard fucks I get afterwards so it’s a win-win situation.
Raphael lowers his voice as he speaks this time. “Because you calling me sir and biting that bottom lip makes me want to do things to you in public that would get us arrested.”
I swallow nervously, glancing over the counter, glad to see that Tracey has shown up so that Paula isn’t yelling my name for help with the two customers who have arrived. “You can’t tell me what to do,” I hiss when I turn back to Raphael. His lopsided grin tells me otherwise, my body heating from the inside out. I slide forward to hide the growing bulge between my thighs and my absolute need for the man in front of me. What he can say with mere wordless promises and dark looks shouldn’t be legal.
“The things I’d do to you if we were in a different setting would wipe that smile off your face and have you howling my name,” Raphael purrs before taking another swig of his coffee.
“He will not be in the room, little one.” I fidget again, needing friction somewhere. Anywhere. “Atlas, tell me it’s too much and we’ll go back to normal. I’ll come in to get my coffee and you blush until I leave.”
My head falls to hide my embarrassment. “Is that why you came in this early? To talk about… us?”
“Not really. I was worried last night and needed to see that you’re okay. It’s obvious to see you haven’t been sleeping well and that you’re not eating?” He pauses and I look up to see worry beneath those hazel eyes. “That hurts me, Atlas. I want to know that you’re happy and healthy. Not one or the other.”
I want that too. To be both. Money doesn’t allow for that and I’m not using Raphael’s. I don’t want a handout.
“You mentioned that we could talk tonight. How about a date? I want to take you down to the wharf, spend some time on the boardwalk, just you and me. How does that sound?” Raphael’s voice has softened, his hands still clasped on the table. He’s trying to be respectful of my space but I don’t want him to be. The fact that I’ve set this boundary is starting to pain me. I’ve all but told Raphael that I prefer him as my dirty little secret because I’m scared.
If he’s willing and ready to share this with the rest of the world, what better way to say ‘I love you’ than a public date? I’ve been so caught up in my own feelings and shortcomings that I’ve failed to see the one thing that truly matters—Raphael doesn’t care. He just wants me.
Raphael speaks again, pulling me out of my head. “I assure you this thing between us is everything I want but I want more than the little moments. I want more than your body. I want your mind and your smiles and the way your eyes get big when you get excited. Let me take you out to the wharf, Atlas.”
“Yes.” One pitiful little word doesn’t truly mirror my excitement but it’s all I can muster up. I hope the heat rising to my cheeks lets Raphael know just how on board I am with this plan. “I’d like that.” I’d like that? Ha, I’ve been waiting for the day that Raphael asks me out on a proper date. Uninterrupted time with the man I’m in love with, away from our jobs and the worries of my current predicament is what I’ve been dreaming of.
The resulting grin on my lover’s face warms my soul. He seems years younger despite the bags beneath his eyes as he hides his true excitement behind another cup of coffee. “Would it make you feel better to know that I wasn’t sure where to take you? Thought dinner might be good but Karla said no.”
I always forget that Karla knows things about us. Raphael has explained that she’s a second mother to him and that Heather is pretty damn close as well. The fact that he has so much support and a loving parent? I’m jealous. It then dawns on me that Raphael mentioned going out to dinner and I can only imagine what kind of restaurants that man regularly visits. “Like those gourmet places? There’s not enough food on those plates for what you pay.” I’ve never been but the bite-size plates I’ve seen on TV make me angry, especially when I see the bill. If I ever make enough money to think about visiting a gourmet restaurant, I will politely decline.
“Money doesn’t mean much to me, Atlas.” Raphael means well but that just means he’ll readily throw money at a problem. Money means a lot to me. It can make or break my week. I bite my lip and let Raphael know that I’ll be waiting for him this afternoon like I used to. He doesn’t need to see that side of me, not yet.
Chapter 8
Those precious moments with Atlas have relieved some tension from last night. When Heather let slip that Atlas wasn’t eating, the true reality of my lover began to unfold. In my desire to fall in love with the beautiful human being in front of me, I somehow missed all the little clues that would have forced me to see the disparity between our social statuses. I poked Heather for more information but she wouldn’t tell me, just told me that I needed to speak with Atlas.
Maybe I’m reading into things but this could be the reason why he’s been pulling away. Money solves a lot of things but conversations do it better.
I meander past the security station, Lance catching my eye as he steps into the main area away from his guys. “Hey, that car last night?” I step closer to him so that he can continue. “Caught him sleeping in it and told me some bullshit about a tow. I let him sleep in the lounge which he was more than happy to do. Fell onto the floor a few times but at least he was warm.”
We’ve never slept beside each other but I can imagine how cute Atlas is. I wonder if he snores or if he’ll wrap himself around me like a koala. Neither of which Lance needs to know that I’m thinking about. “Thanks. I’ll have it taken care of this evening. He okay, though?” Lance’s nonanswer is answer enough as I make it upstairs, waving off Karla’s concerned words. How everyone seems to know about Atlas’ mental and physical status is beyond me.
Well, not everyone but how come I haven’t been able to see it until it was pointed out to me?
Rose-colored glasses are bullshit.
The day passes uneventfully, mostly in the quiet of my own office with the occasional call. Needing some fresh air, I find myself wandering the halls and checking in on the progress of several different groups. They offer me information willingly, proud of their advancements and creations that I know will only strengthen this company long-term. Unfortunately, my attention is snagged on a certain individual passed out in the lounge.
His thick lips are parted as light snores permeate the room, Atlas sprawled out on a few cushions and covered by a blanket that must be his own. I frown when I realize that it’s just past noon, a time when most people are eating. I debate on whether or not to approach him, unsure of what he wants from me, what he needs from me. He doesn’t want favoritism but my heart hurts when he hurts and seeing this?
A heavy sigh falls from my lips as I approach and crouch beside him before moving to caress one of his cheeks. He startles and then realizes it’s me, cuddling a little closer to my chest. “Little One, what’s going on?”
“Just tired,” he mumbles, “Needed a nap before my classes.”
I don’t believe that for a second—that he’s just tired. Atlas has been pushing himself really hard these last few weeks between school and work. I can’t imagine he’s found much sleep in between all that especially if he’s been sleeping in his car. “Is your shift over?” He nods. “Then come with me. I think I can find somewhere a little more private than the lounge.” I can see the fight building in his eyes as he sits up but he’s just too tired and I thank the heavens for small blessings.
Atlas allows me to tuck him into my side as we take the elevator up to my office, a quick nod to Karla letting her know to clear my schedule. Irresponsible? Sure. Necessary? Yes. I lead my lover to a room attached to my office that I rarely use. There’s a small space there that my father used to use when he owned the company, spending several nights here as he built the little empire that is mine today. I would have traded all of those nights for family dinners so I make sure to leave every night and sleep at home.