Page 14 of Vampire Secrets
We strolled slowly, walking past guards who were cleaning up broken glass, wood and steel. Others were mopping up the blood from the pathways. The very thought of Cass running out at any moment and seeing this sent shivers down my spine. I didn’t want her to know about any of this. She was just a child and she needed to be protected, kept safe from all the harm in the world.
We walked along the castle’s perimeter, closely inspecting the damages and discussing the repairs that were urgently needed to fortify our defenses. The aftermath of the vampire attack had left no room for delay.
We approached the eastern gate, where the most significant damage had occurred. The gate’s large wooden doors had been battered, and the stone walls surrounding it bore the scars of the battle. I ran my hand over the splintered wood.
“This gate is top priority, Leopold,” I told him. “We can’t have it compromised again.”
Leopold nodded in agreement. “Yes, Your Highness. We’ll have the gates replaced and reinforce the surrounding walls.”
As we continued our inspection, we noted the damaged sections of the outer wall and the crumbling battlements. Leopold’s keen eye caught every detail.
“We can’t afford any weak points,” I heard him say. “We’ll need to repair the walls and replace the battlements with stronger materials.”
“See that it is done,” I instructed.
Leopold continued to point out areas where the guard towers needed fortification. His finger was aimed high, guiding our eyes. “The guard towers took a beating during the attack. We’ll ensure that they are repaired and made more defensible.”
We continued our thorough inspection, searching for any other potential weak points in the castle’s defenses. We were determined to leave no stone unturned, ensuring that our fortress was impenetrable in the face of future threats, namely Constantine.
As we walked, we examined the moat as well, which was also scrutinized for vulnerabilities and areas that needed improvement. I listened as Leopold pointed out areas where the moat’s water levels had been altered during the attack, which could also pose a potential threat.
“We need to assure that the moat is consistently filled to its proper depth. It is our first line of defense.”
I nodded in agreement. “Yes. See that that necessary adjustments are made.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” Leopold was quick to reply.
I stopped to look at the towers again. “We should consider enlarging the arrow slits for better visibility and wider range of fire,” I suggested.
“A great idea,” he nodded. “We could take out more of them before they get close to the castle.”
We spent the following half an hour discussing everything, when our path took us back to the castle entrance. Leopold went back to overseeing the guards while I went back inside to look for the girls. I found them in Cass’ room, drawing.
As I entered Cass’ room, a rush of relief washed over me. There they were, my two most cherished beings, surrounded by the innocence and simplicity of a child’s world. Lilith and Cass sat on the floor, engrossed in a shared drawing, their laughter filling the room.
My heart swelled with love and gratitude. The events of the previous night, the vampire attack and the battle to defend our kingdom, had been a stark reminder of how fragile the safety of our family was. I could have lost them, and the thought was too traumatic to contemplate.
“Daddy!” Cass’ face lit up upon seeing me. “Do you want to come and draw with us?”
“Of course, honey,” I told her.
I knelt beside them, taking in the vibrant colors and joyful creations on the paper before us. The act of drawing with my wife and daughter, the two most precious people in my life, brought a sense of calm and reassurance. As I picked up a crayon and joined in the drawing, I cherished this simple moment of togetherness. Their presence was a source of strength and inspiration, and the love I felt for them was immeasurable.
As we continued to draw together, the soft scratching of crayons against paper filling the room, our conversation was filled with the warmth of shared moments.
“When we’re done drawing, can we go outside?” Cass wondered, not lifting her eyes off of her paper. Lilith and I exchanged a meaningful glance.
“Maybe draw a few more?” she suggested. “You draw so nicely, sweetheart.”
Cass stopped, then seemed to ponder something. “Do you want to put them on the walls?”
Lilith smiled. “Yes, that is a splendid idea! But you need to draw a lot. Because I want to put a lot of them on the wall. I want to fill the whole castle with your drawings!”
Cass chuckled. She seemed to like that idea. She laughed as if the choir of the angels themselves descended to earth and graced our eyes with their song. These were the moments when I remembered how lucky I was to have them in my life, and that I needed to do everything in my power to keep them safe and sound.
We continued to draw for a while longer, then we played hide and seek in the entire castle. In the grand halls and numerous chambers of the castle, there were countless hiding places, making it an exciting adventure every time we played. Cass’ giggles filled the air as she counted to ten, her little fingers covering her eyes. Lilith and I exchanged mischievous glances, each of us with a plan to find the most ingenious hiding spot.
“Ready or not, here I come!” Cass called out the words, which made us scatter in different directions, each seeking out our perfect hiding place.