Page 22 of Vampire Secrets
She took another step closer to me. “Then, come back with me,” she was adamant. “Keep me safe as you’ve aways done, my love. Don’t leave me.”
“I’m not leaving you.” Every word felt like a dagger to my heart. I knew I was hurting her, but I also knew that she needed to stay away from me. I had to find out how tainted my blood was, whether there was a real vampire inside of me, an evil, malicious one who would turn his back on his loved ones. The thought sent shivers down my spine.
“I know you,” she continued, refusing to give up. “I know who you are, even if you think you don’t. I was the one you saved at that cemetery, where my sister and I were trapped, surrounded by vampires. I was the one who discovered that you were replaced by a doppelganger, and that it wasn’t really you. I was the one who spent every single night in your arms, by your side, waking you up when you had nightmares. It was me, Adrian. It is I who know the real you, and I am telling you that you would never hurt us. Never.”
“But the darkness, Lil,” I reminded her. “That vampire darkness… you can’t understand…”
“I can,” she interrupted me, sounding incredulous. “You think that only vampires have darkness inside of them? That only werewolves, vampires and other supernatural beings possess this darkness?” She paused for a moment, to let the point sink in, although I could tell where she was going with this. “No, Adrian. Everyone has this dark side. Every single being on earth. And you know what? We fight it. We all fight it. We all choose to be good, every single day. It is a choice we make, and keep making. It is not some magical ability you think you don’t have.” She spoke all of that so quickly that she was now breathless, and I could hear her breathing.
I had to admit that I didn’t know what to say to all of that. She was right. There was darkness in us all. I could accept that much.
“But this darkness is different,” I tried to explain. “It is half of your being. You are born a supernatural being. And you are half good, half bad. You humans aren’t like that. You are born a tabula rasa. You are a clean slate. You fill it any way you want or you let others fill it in for you. It’s a choice, like you said. But mine isn’t a choice. I am a vampire. I am half good, half bad. The animal inside of me is under control, but what will happen when I lose the reins? When I can’t control it any longer, when it starts thirsting for blood?”
“It won’t,” she assured me.
“How can you know that?” I asked. “How?”
“Because I know you,” she reminded me. “I don’t know any other vampires as well as I know you, so I can talk about you and you alone.”
I inhaled deeply, seeing that there was no convincing her. I wanted her to see that I was doing this for her sake. I would never forgive myself if I hurt her or Cass in any way.
“Please, Lil, listen to me, just this once,” I pleaded, losing the strength to go on.
I thought she would fight me more, but she didn’t. She was biting the inside of her cheek, as she always did when she was trying to suppress an onslaught of emotions. I could tell there were a million things she wanted to tell me, but she could also see that my mind was made up. I would not be going back with her, and this was breaking both our hearts.
I watched her go over to her horse and mount it. The horse neighed softly, and Lilith calmed it down with a gentle pat. She lifted her gaze to meet mine. Her eyes were all red and swollen already. She wasn’t even trying to wipe away her tears.
“I will wait for you at home,” she finally told me, in a voice that was on the verge of breaking. “Don’t be too late.”
With those words, she galloped away, not turning around. I watched her silhouette grow smaller in the distance, her presence a beacon of love and support even as I rode farther into the heart of the woods. As the forest enveloped me, its ancient trees whispering secrets of the past, I was filled with a mixture of trepidation and determination. The horse’s hooves beat a steady rhythm against the earth, carrying me deeper into the unknown.
The solitude of the woods offered both refuge and challenge, a space in which I could confront the truth of my shared bloodline with Constantine and the potential darkness that resided within me. With each passing moment, I was drawn closer to the heart of the mystery that had set the course of my destiny, and the weight of my responsibilities as a protector of the kingdom weighed heavily on my shoulders.
Chapter Fourteen
I rode back to the castle, my heart heavy with concern and uncertainty. The journey had been long. Perhaps it was a mistake, but I refused to stop at the village and spend the night there. I wanted to return to the castle as soon as possible, so the journey felt even longer than on the way there. The revelation of Adrian’s shared bloodline with Constantine weighed heavily on me. Father knew all this and he consciously kept it a secret. I couldn’t understand why. It was as if the entire universe had conspired against us, to keep us apart. Now, my thoughts were filled with worry for him and the path he had chosen to undertake alone.
The castle finally appeared in sight, with its towering spires and stone walls, looming in the distance. My heart felt relieved to see it, despite everything that had happened. It had been our home for many years, a place of safety and love. Now, the past events were slowly casting a shadow over its familiar beauty.
As I dismounted my horse and made my way through the castle’s grand halls, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. I longed for Adrian’s safe return and for the knowledge that he would find the answers he sought without losing himself in the process. My mind raced with a mix of emotions, and I could only hope that Adrian would return soon before something dreadful happened.
“Your Highness?” I heard Leopold’s voice behind me, as I left the stable. “Is everything all right?”
I knew that he could sense the turmoil inside of me. After all, this man had watched me grow up from a little girl into the woman who was standing before him now. He regarded me with a knowing look, his eyes holding a depth of understanding that came from years of shared experiences.
I had to admit that his presence was a comforting sight. Now, with Father gone, there was no male figure I could turn to, apart from Adrian. With him gone, I realized that Leopold could be the one to turn to for help. I suddenly felt compelled to confide in him, to share the weight of the revelations that had unfolded.
“Leopold,” I began, my voice weak with concern, “I… so much has happened, I don’t know where to start. It’s about Adrian.”
He looked around quickly. Although we were alone, this was not enough.
“Let’s speak in the king’s study,” he suggested. “We will have privacy there, and you can tell me everything, Your Highness. You know I am here to offer my counsel and support in any way I can.”
About ten minutes later, Leopold and I settled into the comfortable chairs of Adrian’s study. I couldn’t hold all this information to myself any longer. I needed to share the burden with someone, someone who could offer advice and guidance. Taking a deep breath, I began to recount the events that had transpired, from our journey to the witch’s hut to the revelation of Adrian's shared bloodline with Constantine and the ominous future that loomed over our kingdom. Leopold listened in silence, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and understanding.
As I spoke, I felt a sense of relief in unburdening my worries and fears. Leopold's presence was a source of strength, and I trusted in his wisdom and his unwavering loyalty to our family and kingdom. When I had finished sharing all the details of our journey, Leopold’s gaze met mine, his expression thoughtful.