Page 87 of Octavius's Oath
The fucker would take offense, even if we just verbally threatened his wife with no intention of using her in our plans. I respect and understand that.
If anyone ever uses Isla this way, I’d end them all because no one threatens what’s mine.
“You want me to believe you will not blackmail or force me into this marriage?” A bitter laughter escapes her as her fingers dig deeper into her flesh. “Why would I marry you, then?” She raises her hand. “Scratch that. Why would I not tell on you to the authorities?”
By the tension rising behind me, I know my best friends do not appreciate her threats. In fact, their dislike for her right now is evident because their women hadn’t been thrilled to discover about all of us either.
However, none of them threatened to sell us out. In fact, they all promised to keep their mouths shut and earned our loyalties.
Isla won’t be winning any points, but can I blame them? I don’t trust her either.
A woman who betrays you at the first chance she gets doesn’t deserve my trust or their loyalty.
“Kitten, you’re free to leave. No one will force you into anything.” She blinks, so I elaborate. “Choice is a beautiful thing. However, at the end of every choice lays a consequence.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“The Church Killer. You won’t catch him without me. All this”—I swirl my finger in the air while she swallows hard—“is his doing and not mine. Although I think he wanted you to expose me. Fucking me put a dent in his plans.” Her skin flushes, and a raspy breath slips past her lips while shame fills her gaze.
Hilarious and predictable. Didn’t I warn her that nothing good would come from her chasing me?
A man like me should never claim a woman.
“Our marriage will unsettle him, and then we can catch him.”
She shakes her head. “What’s in it for you? You’re murderers.” Her eyes send daggers my way. “You all can hunt him down.”
“My reasons are my own, and they do not concern you. So what is it, kitten?” I extend my palm toward her. “Marriage or another mass murder?” She gasps. “Because if you don’t follow my plan, he will strike again. While our marriage will focus all his attention on us.” My kitten has no sense of preservation. She throws herself at danger because no one cared about her for such a long time.
Reckless, so reckless but compassionate in nature. The idea of harming anyone else is devastating to her, and why not play on this character trait that always ends up fucking over whoever displays it?
People have no value for compassion because they will use it for selfish deeds, one of the harsh lessons this life teaches you at a young age.
“This makes no sense. Do you expect me to just magically forget about this and go on my merry way when we catch him?”
“Not really.” As she ponders on my words, I decide to strike the last nail in the coffin because this has already started to bore me, and nothing is worse than a bored murderer. “Oh, and, Isla?” She looks up. “Your godfather. I might take out my anger on him if you refuse me.” I hiss through my teeth, “God knows he’s done some questionable shit over the years, and I won’t be able to resist digging into it. I wonder if his weak heart can survive the public outrage it might cause.” I haven’t dug deep into the Grayson’s life—just a little report Lachlan got me—and it showed he likes to visit a certain brothel every other week. It’s enough to ruin his perfect family man image. “It would be such a tragic end to a man who protected you like a father all these years.”
She covers her mouth, tears slide down her cheeks, and the only thing disrupting the silence stretching around us is my wooden clock hanging on the wall.
Ticktock. Ticktock. Ticktock.
As each passing second announces my inevitable victory, hate spreads all over me because Isla made me do what I’ve vowed never to do.
Force a woman into a union with me.
Finally her arms fall, the chains rattling on the floor as complete defeat settles on her face. “I’ll marry you and play along with whatever you wish, as long as you don’t harm my godfather or anyone else.”
Even bravery is powerless while dealing with the likes of me.
Tragic for a proud creature like her.
“I guess I should have seen this coming, right?” she asks. “The only way a man like you could marry a woman was by blackmailing her because, what woman would have said yes willingly?”
“Fucking hell,” I hear Florian mutter as anger washes over me, akin to a brewing storm ready to demolish everything and leave only scattered pieces around.
She has no time to react as I charge toward her, grabbing a knife on my way. My hand wraps around her throat so hard, she gasps, fear staring back at me while she places her hands on mine, trying to snatch it away, but it’s useless.
“You’re saying yes willingly, kitten. Don’t ever throw that in my face again,” I warn her as she struggles for breath. I loosen my fingers around her throat, so she gulps for air, only to freeze when I put the tip of the knife against her artery, her pulse beating wildly under my touch. “If I wanted to force you, I could cut this knife deep into you and watch the blood stream down your collarbone, slowly killing you.” Her chest rises and falls as I slide the tip closer to her pulse, skating it back and forth. “Until you begged for mercy, and maybe then I would have considered marrying you.” I lean closer so she won’t miss my warning. “Remember that the next time you decide to show me your claws. Because next time, I won’t be this generous.” I push her away as she stumbles a little, barely having time to catch her balance by grabbing the table. I dig the knife into the table so it stands still. “Florian?” I say as she rubs her fingers over her throat, breathing heavily.