Page 100 of Florian's Bride
I don’t have time to dwell on that thought for long, though, because she pushes me inside the living room leading to the dining room and says, “Go. I’ll be there in a second. I have to make sure they have all your favorite desserts ready.” She claps her hands. “I’m so excited.”
My heart twists in my chest at seeing Aunt Esme because so much of my childhood was spent seeing her sad and in tears, hopelessly sitting by the window and waiting for her son to come back. She could not even find solace in her art, and sometimes on bad days I was scared of leaving her.
It got better once Jimena was born, but she seemed soulless until her son finally came back, and on some level, I understand her.
It hurt Jimena, but…the idea of my baby being out there and experiencing God knows what while I’m powerless to stop it?
It’s a hell I wish on no one, and I can’t judge my godparents for dealing with their grief the way they had.
I find my grandfather standing in the right corner, tracing his finger over the expensive whiskey collection Uncle Lucian has. I whistle, making him spin around and scowl at me. “You quit this, boy,” he warns me before I can say anything. “If one more person says that I’m too old to drink, I’m going to disown every single one of you.”
“You’ve already disowned me, remember? When I refused to participate in your sunlight collection and instead designed my ocean one? You preached I’d fail, and then my collection outsold yours.” I hug him and smack a kiss on his cheek while he huffs. “I have no skin in the game, so…stop consuming alcohol. You’re eighty-five.”
“And still thriving, thank you very much.” He huffs again and then addresses my dad, who is coming to join us. “You raised a son who doesn’t know how to suck up.”
He shrugs. “I understand where he’s coming from. You disowned me when I married my wife and told you she won't be signing a prenup.” Grandpa’s scowl deepens, and I chuckle, earning my own glare. “We already have to worry about you whoring around with all these people and catching God knows what. We don’t want you to risk your health even more with alcohol.”
Dad grabs my shoulder, squeezing it hard and holding my gaze. “Hi, son. Missed you, glad to see you’re alive and well.” Although I know my dad well enough to read between the lines.
I’ve been avoiding his calls, and everyone else’s for that matter, too lost in finding solutions to all my issues while protecting my woman. My dad doesn’t appreciate being ignored by his children.
His parenting style falls between gentle and strict as fuck, and when he’s in a mood, no one wants to be in his way, even my psycho brother Kian. Now I’m a serial killer and all…but I still don’t want to get my ass whooped by my dad at any age.
“Hey, Dad. Won’t happen again.”
“Excuse me here, but, Jacob, did you just imply I’m catching diseases from sex? Because let me tell you…”
“I think he’s trying to say that we have enough to worry about when it comes to you. Maybe we should cross alcohol from that list.” Mom appears next to Dad, wearing a beautiful floral red dress. Her red hair falls down her back, and she gives Grandpa a concerned look that doesn’t fool him for a second, judging by his narrowing eyes. “Although if you ask me…a man at your age should listen to his gut. Maybe alcohol is what you need.”
“Huh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? You bewitched my son a long time ago, and now you finally want to get rid of me!”
“Careful,” Dad and I warn at the same time, our tone leaving no room for argument, and Grandpa huffs once fucking again.
He listens, though, changing his tack because Dad never allows him to insult his wife in any way. Even though Grandpa made it his life’s mission to bitch about their marriage and how much Dad’s actions shamed the dynasty.
Funnily enough, he is ready to rip anyone’s throat out if they disrespect her in any way and acts all protective papa bear when she’s not around. We all think he just likes their verbal spars, so we mostly ignore them. “You dream about the day I die. I’m the only one who sees your true nature.” He wiggles his finger in her face, and Dad slaps it away. “So you can run the show here with all my boys dancing to your tune.”
Mom taps on her chin. “I’ve heard that some diseases can cause delusions.” She shakes Dad’s elbow, mock fear lacing her tone. “Jacob, I think it’s already happening.” She sighs. “We’ll mourn your death to the best of our ability, Atlas.” A beat passes. “Knowing how much you loved life, though, we won’t do it for long.”
Grandpa steps back from the bar and hooks his thumbs in his pockets, lifting his chin at her. “I won’t give you such satisfaction. Watch me live till a hundred years old.” He addresses my dad next. “I do not regret disowning you. Look what I’m dealing with here!” He glances at me. “Your betrayal wounds me deep, grandson. It pains me to see you grew up into a mama’s boy.” He rolls back his shoulders. “Now, if you’ll excuse me…there are certain people here who can still inherit my seventy-billion-dollar fortune, and unlike my family, they have some respect for me.” With this, he walks back to the dining room, where we hear him yell, “Octavius. What do you think about my lifestyle?”
“I can always count on you for nudging him to do what we need,” Dad says and cups Mom’s cheek. “His doctor told him to cut off alcohol during his last visit. He’s been having strange chest pains lately.” We all love to ruffle Grandpa’s feathers and tease him to no end. It's just how we show love, but he’s the family's patriarch for a reason.
His love is solid, so we want to keep him with us for as long as possible.
“I know. Don’t worry, my darling. He won’t be drinking with me around.” She pats his chest, and he kisses her laughing lips, and I groan because, seriously?
“Cool it, you two. There are children around.”
“Serves you right for all the cockblocking you did as a kid.”
“Oh, come on, Dad!” He never fails to mention the time when I hated my nanny getting together with my dad because I was scared to lose yet another woman in my life.
Mom gives him one last kiss and turns her attention on me, opening her arms wide. “Hi, baby. So happy to finally see you. It’s been a long time.” I wrap my arms around her and lift her up, her familiar scent washing over me and calming down everything around me because it’s associated with safety and total acceptance but above anything else, love.
Love she freely gave me the minute she became my nanny, and since then it never wavered.
Not when I acted out or ran away when they announced their engagement, and kept shouting I didn’t want her as a mom even though that was my most hidden wish.