Page 102 of Florian's Bride
There is no fixing the damage besides killing Death off and ending the family curse so Kian can finally get his rightful place in the family empire. If the roles were reversed, I’d act the same way, so I’m not going to try to convince my brother of shit.
“I’m going to talk to him. I don’t want him to interfere because if he does, Kian will stop showing up there as well.”
Unfortunately, he shares the temper of two families, and this particular combination makes for some explosive shitstorms.
Mom sighs heavily. All this conflict hurts her heart, but still. She lets him act as he wants because deep down, she knows he won’t cross a line.
Not now, at least.
Push him enough, though? And he will.
“Either way, call your grandpa.”
“Why is everyone still standing? Let’s eat,” Aunt Esme says, entering the living room and passing us as we tag along to the dining table where my friends already occupy their chairs.
I lift my chin in greeting and wink at their wives, particularly at Penelope, which earns me a death stare from Remi. Fucking with him is my most beloved pastime. “Penelope. What a pleasure to see you.” She rolls her eyes at my praise, a small smile pulling at her lips, and I look at Isla, Octavius’s wife. “Hey there, darling.” I lean down and kiss her on the cheek. “Missed me, sister-in-law?”
Octavius has no reaction to this, and why would he?
The minute he claimed her, she became like a sister to me, and talking to her is highly entertaining. I mean…he brought an ex-cop to a family of serial killers. Who can top that? “It’s hard to miss you. You’re everywhere,” she grumbles. “Sometimes I wonder if I married you as well. I have to admit…such thoughts make me wanna cry.” Remi barks out a laugh and picks up his glass, toasting her.
“Octavius and I come as a package deal. Right, darling?” I grab his cheek and blow him a kiss, which earns me a hard shove. “Everyone seems to be in the mood tonight.” I look around. “Where is my favorite godson?”
When Octavius and Isla dealt with their own problems, as in when he blackmailed her into marriage one month ago, they adopted a five-year-old boy who they named Braiden. He instantly became part of the family, and my parents acted as if they got their own grandchild. I don’t mind. He might as well be mine since I’m his godfather.
He’s nonverbal, so the whole family actively learned sign language for his sake, and my grandpa hogs him the most. At this rate, I won’t be surprised if he leaves all his inheritance to him.
“He’s home with Ryder and Estella’s triplets. They’re baking something.” Octavius frowns. “Hopefully, they won’t burn down the house,” he half jokes because his nephew and nieces are little hellions who have no regard for rules and practically corrupt Braiden on a daily basis.
Ah, youth.
“Either way, you’re stunning, sister-in-law.”
“Maybe stop complimenting our wives and sit your ass down,” Santiago orders, and I notice Briseis sporting a few new hickeys. Compared to us all, he makes a whole show of marking her skin for everyone to see.
And who am I to make him feel left out?
“Briseis. You should wear blue clothes more often. It really suits you and brings out your eyes.” She blushes and shakes her head, glancing at my friend whose face darkens, and he focuses on me, every blink promising me retribution.
“Shut up.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’m going to put you both in time-out so you can rethink acting like spoiled, disrespectful brats during family dinner.” Uncle Lucian reaches the dining table, and I want to go to him to greet him, but he points at the chair. “Sit down.” I grab the chair next to Octavius and do as he says because he’d totally do it.
And being put on time-out at thirty-one is fucking embarrassing.
“Cómo estás, Padrino?”
He grins and takes a chair out for Aunt Esme, then sits at the head of the table with her on his right. “Good. Actually, really great.” They share a long look with Santiago, and I’m happy for them. Their relationship is far from perfect right now, but they are heading into a healing path after what happened three months ago.
When Santiago finally allowed himself to look into the past and see a different perspective.