Page 115 of Florian's Bride
Santiago has left the group chat.
This is getting us nowhere.
Are you going to leave the group chat too?
Ah, your sentimentality is adorable.
Poor Penelope then.
Remi has left the group chat.
I’m about to write something else to Octavius when Zeus growls, and I hear the terrace door open, so I spin around only to still when I see Jimena standing on the other side.
“Hi,” she whispers, hooking a strand of hair behind her ears, looking more beautiful than ever despite her puffy-from-tears eyes and her tan skin practically glows under the moonlight steaming from behind her. “Zeus,” she calls my wolf, who abandons his steak and strolls to her, nuzzling his muzzle into her hip, making her laugh. “Hey there.” He purrs at her touch as she starts to pet him, running her fingers through his thick fur, and he eats up all the attention.
She was one of the first people to meet my wolf years ago, and he instantly liked her. He hogged all her attention and then circled around her, growling at anyone who came near her. Despite rarely seeing him, Jimena adores him, and clearly, the feeling is mutual.
Is it possible to be jealous of your own wolf? Because right now, I’d trade places with him, and by the triumphant look he sends my way, he knows it too.
My wolf is nothing if not competitive.
He rolls onto his back—onto his fucking back, seriously—and she pets his belly. “You missed me.” He barks at this, and I roll my eyes. At this point, he’ll be acting like a lap dog in no time. “I missed you too. Brought you something.” Only then do I notice a paper bag in her hand, and she fishes a bone from it. “Here.” He latches on it right away, rolling back on his paws and munching on it, forgetting all about her. “I think you like it.” She laughs again and gets up, our stares clashing as a raspy breath slips past her lips.
We stare at one another for what seems like forever, and I drop the phone away before putting my glass on the table.
Without uttering a single word, I open my arms wide, and she runs to me, wrapping her hands around my neck.
Holding her tight, I gently lift her up, and her long legs circle my waist. I take a deep breath, the beat inside me calming in her presence as her scent envelops me. “Hi, princess,” I whisper into her neck, rubbing my stubble over her skin, and a tremor rushes through her.
My body instantly grows hard in her presence; weeks without my woman is torture, and somehow I have no idea how I’ve survived years without her.
“I told them.”
“Told them what?”
“About my pain.”
I gently rock us from side to side while thunder bellows outside and Zeus freezes, his ears twitching before resuming his assault on the treat. When another boom echoes, though, he huffs, picks up his treat and strolls outside, clearly preferring to experience Mother Nature’s mood head-on.