Page 34 of Florian's Bride
None of us is looking for company tonight, especially me.
The place is decorated with silver, red, and black colors, representing the riders, a nice personal touch I’ve added to the decor to make it more ours and serve as a reminder to everyone that just like in the myth…we will cause the greatest suffering to whoever dares to cross us.
The bar is located in the back right corner, with four bartenders busily preparing drinks for everyone. The rest of the staff can easily navigate through the club to booths and tables in the left corner. They deliver orders of steaming food on porcelain dishes picked out by Remi.
Each one of them wears black pants and a white button-up shirt.
While picking a furniture design, we settled on round, leather couches comfortable enough to sit in, along with round tables with lamps on them should anyone need to speak privately. The VIPs are on the second floor, which has several soundproof rooms with surveillance cameras in case trouble arises and someone might need our help.
Four cages hang from the ceiling with dancers inside wearing provocative clothes, showcasing their skills and flexibility to the awe of everyone watching. The crystals on the chandeliers shift in the breeze from the AC, brightening up the entire space with colorful lights.
Pushing through the bodies, I focus on the dark corridor behind the bar leading to the elevator, which will take us downstairs. The floor below holds our meeting room, and individual fuck pads are always available if the mood strikes us.
We don’t bring women home. Our personal spaces are sacred to us, and none of us is looking for a relationship. We’re clear about our intentions from the very beginning, so if women get hurt by their delusions, it’s not our problem.
Maybe it’s cold and harsh, but you either accept the rules or step aside.
Pressing the button for the elevator, I slip inside and turn around to see the guys joining me, staying silent as we ride downstairs, tension rising among us all. I can practically hear their annoyed voices, cursing me in their heads because they planned to enjoy the party.
Leaving early tends to upset Aunt Esme, which means it upsets Uncle Lucian, who can still box our ears if we do some stupid shit, according to him.
This couldn’t wait, though, and besides…I couldn’t stand watching Jimena play the peacemaker between her father and brother, shadowing them and shifting conversations whenever they were about to come to blows.
The constant fear in her eyes, her rigid posture, and her forced smiles angered the beast within me, wanting to grab her and take her away so she wouldn’t have to act like a fucking clown for her family.
Finally, we get out, going to the spacious meeting room with a huge round table with four chairs, a TV hanging on the wall, laptops, and four tablets.
And a golden bowl right in the middle of the table.
Santiago lets all of us in and shuts the door behind us with a loud thud. “Mind telling me why the fuck we left my parents’ party in such a hurry?” Even though his voice stays bored and indifferent, I still hear traces of fury dancing on the edges of it that he fails to mask. “You better have a good explanation for this, amigo.”
Snatching the cigarette from my back pocket, I put it in my mouth and light it up as I drop into my chair. Remi and Santiago follow suit, sitting in theirs while Octavius grabs the whiskey and tequila bottles from the fridge and four glasses before occupying his own chair.
They are positioned in such a way that we all have a perfect view of each other and can never miss any details. Inhaling a greedy pull, I send the smoke flying and reply, “I must have missed the part where I asked you to come with me.” Octavius pours a generous amount into a glass and slides it toward me, the brown liquid spilling on the table. “I believe I’m the one who should be asking questions here. I don’t need babysitters.”
“My patience is running thin, Florian,” Remi says, wrapping his hand around my glass and lifting it to his mouth, earning a laugh from Santiago.
The idea of Remi having patience for anything is indeed laughable as his hotheaded nature has brought us a lot of problems in the past.
The man is incapable of thinking before acting on his instincts, which annoys my strategic mind.
Our actions always have consequences, so we don’t have the privilege to act out unless we are a hundred percent sure about our decisions.
And considering his obsession with a certain someone, he’ll get us all in a mess that even I won’t be able to stop or fix.
“For once, I agree with Remi. Start talking.” Octavius pours the alcohol into the remaining glasses, sending them our way. Catching mine, I taste the whiskey. “Florian.” Warning coats his tone, and I still, catching his harsh stare with mine as annoyance zaps through me.
He might be my best friend, and I’d die for him. That’s just how we rolled since we were six years old, a friendship tested with loyalty, blood, and suffering. However, we do not have leaders among us like some kind of motorcycle club with presidents and enforcers. Just imagining that kind of shit is hilarious because none of us deals with authority well. Although among a certain circle, we lead them to believe Octavius is it. He can handle all the negotiations among different territories with serial killers.
Each one of us holds equal power in this brotherhood, and for this reason alone, we’ve managed to be part of it for such a long time.
“I don’t have to explain myself to any of you.” My cold tone leaves no room for argument, but they all frown, so I add, “However, I feel generous tonight, so I’m going to share.” Taking another pull from the cigarette, I exhale the smoke and say, “Death is back.”
Tension cracks the energy around us, filling it with anger and rage all at once. It’s so thick I can practically touch it, and despite the serious situation, a chuckle slips past my lips. “In his true fashion, he sent a few decoys my way and then proceeded to warn me about the upcoming mayhem he’ll cause.”
The fucker made his whole existence about my family, so I’m not even surprised he knows where to push.
My best friends lean back in their chairs, Remi finishing his drink while Santiago traces the rim of his tequila glass with his finger as Octavius continues to sip, deep scowls marring their features.