Page 57 of Florian's Bride
I was happy to see you during my latest visit home a few weeks back, but I was so sad we didn’t get to share a single conversation because you were so busy.
I wouldn’t have bothered you right now, but something scrapes at my soul, and I need your advice on how to proceed before I can go talk to Santiago.
So here it goes.
I know, Florian.
About the Four Dark Horsemen and what you do.
I’ve seen photos, videos, and…my heart hurts, and I felt sick to my stomach.
You’re true monsters from all these horror stories who do vile things to people and have no remorse about it if your smiles or indifferent expressions are anything to go by.
However, you’ve always been kind and gentle with me, so despite my shock, my curious nature won. I’ve snooped around where I shouldn’t have to find more information about your deeds.
You kill bad people who deserve it, not that it absolves you from your sins or gives you the right to decide who lives or doesn’t.
I shouldn’t understand or sympathize, but I do.
A crime to wipe away another crime…
It’s wrong either way, and keeping my mouth shut about it all makes me an accomplice, right?
After pondering it for a while, I concluded that it both terrified and freed me.
I don’t mind being an accomplice if it means killing all these people who sell and hurt children or anyone else. Who believe that after they do evil things there will be no punishment for their deeds.
I want them all to burn in hell because people like them ruined my family and countless other lives.
It’s strange, this feeling inside me that finds justifications for the crimes and doesn’t even judge you much.
I could never take a life myself, but if your crimes mean more people can live in peace?
It’s all right with me, and kudos to you all.
My moral compass clearly is as warped as yours.
I’m not writing this email to inform you that I know, because I think you already know.
I have a question you might not answer, and that’s okay.
I’ll still ask you.
What happened to you, Florian?
Why did you become a part of the Four Dark Horsemen?
Santiago experienced hell on earth, Remi had the worst luck just for being born, while Octavius existed in a never-ending nightmare.
They all have their reasons that are so easy to guess.
Try as I might, though, I can’t guess yours, and I need to.
It hurts my heart to think that someone harmed you so much in the past that the only way for you to numb your pain was to become a murdering monster.
If you share your secret, I’ll keep it safe.
But even if you don’t…