Page 66 of Florian's Bride
“Let’s go to sleep,” Frederick whispers, forcefully pushing me on the pillow and covering us with the blanket while trying to turn on the music and put the headphones on me, but I slap his hand away. “Florian,” he whispers, his voice broken as he hates their arguments for one reason alone.
They always hurt me and leave a lasting impression, not to mention we become at odds with each other for days on end because we both know one simple truth.
He adores our mother and always defends her actions, trying to excuse her behavior. She’s all smiles, hugs, and warm conversations with him and constantly takes him on various trips while proudly announcing to everyone he’s her son.
I’m left behind or dragged along while constantly being berated whenever Daddy finds out, and they have another shouting match.
Sometimes I shudder thinking about what would have happened to me if she married someone else and not Dad, who is the only one on my side in this household besides Grandpa.
They say the bond between twins is eternal, which is not true in my case. I’m closer to my friends than I am to my twin, and while I love him…I can never understand how he can be so clueless about Mom.
A child who is loved cannot understand the resentment of the one who’s constantly ignored, I guess.
“Why are you doing this, Jacob?”
“You know why, Elizabeth. I warned you not to go against me, and you chose a different path. I have no mercy for a woman who betrays me.”
“You never loved me. You're incapable of loving anyone because you’re a Price man. Fucking around and cheating is what you all do. Great for a good time and disastrous when it comes to relationships.” She quotes what people usually say about the men in my family, and I wince, confused about what it means.
A lot of beautiful women surround Dad and Grandpa, eager for their attention, and while they get it from Grandpa…Dad ignores them all.
I once sneaked into his office to read some books and heard him talk to Padrino Lucian, who asked him why he wouldn’t just take one of these women up on their offers since Mom cheats on him anyway.
Our butler returned before he could answer, so I never found out why.
“A not-so-gentle reminder, Bellamy is a Price.” He chuckles when more hitting sounds echo through the space. “Truth is hard to accept, isn’t it?”
“I will find a way to divorce you.”
“You do that, darling. Meanwhile, if you ever miss any of Florian’s recitals again, you can forget about having access to my money in the future. We both know sustaining my cousin’s greed is a whole-ass job, so play by the rules.”
“I despise him. I wish he was never born.”
“Repeat this shit again, and you’ll be the one to regret being born.” His heavy footsteps follow his ultimatum, which means he’s done with her and has gone back to his room. After a while, so does she, the night becoming quiet once again sans the thunder outside.
I burrow deeper into the blanket, staring at the darkness as Frederick sighs heavily behind me, wrapping his arm around me and whispering, “Shhh, Florian.”
Ignoring him, I stare into the darkness while tears soak the pillow underneath my cheek. No matter how much I wish to pretend her words don’t hurt me…they do.
In ways I can never explain.
I close my eyes, and in a few beats, lulled by the rain and my twin’s steady breathing, I finally fall asleep.
Only to wake up in a nightmare.
The loud club music echoes through the space as I lean back in my booth, welcoming the soft cushions surrounding me while scrolling through the tablet in search of some delicious desserts.
My gaze lands on the strawberry cake, and saliva fills my mouth, making me frown because I dislike it, but ever since my cravings started, strawberries are all I can think about.
This only sours my mood because it reminds me about another person who loves strawberries so much. His grandfather ordered them in bushels back in the day so he’ll always have them available at home.
The baby already takes after its father.
“You’re going to get me in trouble,” a soft voice next to me says, but despite the slight hesitation in her tone, I don’t miss the excitement hiding underneath it.
“If my brother says anything, tell him I corrupted your good nature and dragged you here against your will.”