Page 21 of Nita’s Bounty
All I see is ocean. Vast, gray-green ocean.
Shuvo told me his people are most comfortable under water, but for some reason, I just assumed they must spend time on land as well, but I don’t even see any land. I’ve never been more than waist-deep in any body of water my whole life and never learned to swim. The few times my husband—ex-husband—took the boys and me to the shore, I stayed far from the waves lapping at the beach and contented myself with watching them. Yet another notch against me that James used to his advantage. So, looking down at the vast stretch of choppy water has anxiety tightening my gut.
I jump when the comms suddenly crackle to life and a voice rattles off a string of coordinates. Shuvo picks up his communicator to respond before expertly banking the cruiser and taking us down to where a crescent-shaped island suddenly takes shape below us. It’s covered in thick foliage that blends almost seamlessly with the gray waters. As we get closer, I realize there are more than the one. In fact, there are dozens, no, hundreds of small islands that form chains stretching as far as I can see.
He sets us down in a clearing that reminds me of the swamp in The Empire Strikes Back, where Luke goes to find Yoda. Thick clouds block out most of the sun’s rays, and through the view screen, all I can see are twisted trees shrouded in mist. nothing like I expected.
Shuvo secures the cruiser and grins as he excitedly grabs my hand. I’m too shocked to do more than let him pull me through the hatch and into the humid outside air. With the lack of sunlight, I expect it to be cold, but instead it’s quite warm. Balmy even. After breathing recycled oxygen for so long, the thick scents of salt and rich fauna are overwhelming and make my nose itch.
I marvel at the eerie jungle we’ve landed in. Above the twisted tree trunks is dense foliage ranging from shades of gray to dark green and blue. The sounds of alien birds and animals add to the creepiness, and I find myself looking all around, trying to place where all the strange sounds are coming from.
Shuvo’s eyes glint with excitement as he pulls me down the gangway and into the marshy swamp. I expect my feet to sink into soft, spongy ground, but beneath the mist, it’s solid and rocky beneath my feet.
“Greetings!” a deep voice precedes a male who slowly appears from the foggy tree line.
My heart is pounding, and my grip tightens around Shuvo’s hand as the stranger walks toward us with a wide grin. He is Negura, but unlike Shuvo’s dark gray coloring, his skin tone is greener, and he keeps his white hair trimmed short. His chest is bare, showing off stacks of muscles, and loose trousers ride low on his narrow hips.
When the male keeps striding toward us, with no intention of stopping, Shuvo steps in front of me with a growl that has the other male’s eyes widening when he finally comes to a halting stop. A tense silence stretches between them before the male suddenly tips his head back with a hardy laugh.
“It would figure you’d go off and find the most luscious female in all the systems, then bring her back to gloat.” His voice is huskier than Shuvo’s but with the same soft tone that comes from using a communicator.
My head swivels between them. “Do you know each other?”
Shuvo nods once, and the other male laughs again. “I’m Ojal. Shuvo and I were best mates when we were pups.” His eyes flick back to Shuvo. “I’m glad to see you again. I honestly never thought I would. Are you only visiting?”
Shuvo hesitates and then shakes his head.
Ojal’s eyes widen even more. “Truth? You’re here to stay?”
Shuvo nods and pulls me beside him, draping his arm around my shoulders.
“I imagine you’re in a hurry to see your family, so I won’t keep you, but promise we’ll catch up soon.”
Shuvo nods and then turns me away from him.
“It was nice to meet you, Ojal,” I call out with a wave as Shuvo leads me away.
My heart is pounding in my chest as we make our way through the thick forest that covers most of the island. It’s like setting foot on a planet I barely remember. Except, the first breath of heady air brings back every memory of my youth and stirs up swarms of nerves deep in my belly.
It’s been so long since I’ve been home. I’m surprised Ojal remembered me. Or that he is still here. If I remember correctly, he was even more restless than I was. It feels like a lifetime since I left, and in a way, it has been. I’m no longer the young male, filled with purpose and ideations, who left all those revs ago. In his place is a hardened male who never expected to return.
My, how the fates work in unexpected ways.
I glance down at where Nita is plastered to my side as I lead us down a narrow path through the dense woodlands that—if memory serves me correctly—should lead to the small cottage I grew up in. Her soft warmth against me is comforting, until I notice how her head swivels from side to side as we walk, and how she jumps and starts at every buzz and animal call. More than once, I catch her muttering “creepy” under her breath.
My heart stutters against my breastbone, this time with worry that she may not like my planet. Where will we go then? I would never force her to stay somewhere she hated, but I honestly didn’t consider or expect this kind of reaction from her.
My mind is spinning when she suddenly speaks up. The soft sound is startlingly loud in the quiet.