Page 56 of Gareth
Gareth looked down at me, his pale green eyes sincere. “If it gets to be too much, or if you don't like it, just tell me, and we'll get out of here.”
I smiled up at him, silently conveying my appreciation for his support. He’d done nothing but be supportive since the day I knocked on his hotel room door, but he'd gone above and beyond since he found that little list I had made a couple weeks ago.
The list had just been something Daisy had encouraged me to do, jotting down random things that I'd love to try now that I had the freedom to. Taking a fun class with no pressure had been one of them.
Gareth had set up this couples’ mixology class as a result.
Gareth dipped down, capturing my lips in his. I lost my myself in the sensation of it, totally forgetting that we were in a room full of people until our instructor made his way to the front of the room and started introducing himself.
I quickly pulled out of the kiss to pay attention, and Gareth teasingly tugged me against him. “I wasn't finished yet,” he teased in my ear.
I playfully batted my giant away, hushing him and pointing to the teacher who was still speaking. “I have to pay attention,” I said, giving him a look that said I was taking this very seriously.
And I did, dutifully jotting down notes on the provided notepad as the instructor went over all of the ingredients before us. I listened intently as he explained that we would be making three cocktails tonight, the first two he would walk us through, showing us how to make them, and then for the third we'd get to create our own. Nerves tangled under my skin, but by the time he'd explained how to make the first cocktail, a classic old-fashioned, I was getting into a rhythm. I normally stuck with a few sips of champagne if I ever drank alcohol, so I was determined to branch out.
Gareth probably believed that this was just another task on my list that I wanted to try, and while it was, I also felt like it was a test for myself. I ‘d been thinking more and more about what I wanted to do with my future now that it was solely in my hands, and after having a conversation with Daisy about college, I hadn't been able to stop thinking about it.
Maybe it’d be the place for me to find some hidden talent that had been buried my whole life. And maybe I would go to college and find out that I had no talents other than socializing and supporting the man in my life, and if that was the case, then I would be fine with it.
But I couldn't deny that I had the urge to try. I also had that sense of doubt creeping over everything else that I wouldn't be able to make it in that kind of setting. Hence, taking my first class with actual students. It didn't matter that this was a couples’ class, or that it was in the art of mixology, a fun and exciting subject. It was a class, not some personal tutor who came to my house and only taught me what he was allowed to teach me.
I felt like if I could make it through this, then maybe college wouldn't be too far of a stretch.
I beamed when the instructor strolled by, complementing the visual presentation of the old-fashions Gareth and I had just finished making.
The instructor gave us a moment to try our cocktails, and Gareth and I clinked ours together before taking quick sips.
“Oh,” I said. “I think I made mine a little strong,” I continued, passing the drink to Gareth.
He took a sip, then smiled at me. “That's a great old-fashioned,” he said, and I couldn't stop the little flutter that scattered through me at the compliment. He handed the drink back to me, and we continued to sip.
“I know you like bourbon,” I said after I set my drink down. “But what's your favorite cocktail?”
Gareth contemplated for a moment shrugging. “If I'm going to have a cocktail, I’m a big fan of an old-fashioned,” he said, raising his glass. “But I like mine a little bit different from the traditional recipe.”
“How so?”
“I like more cherry and bitters,” he explained. “I'll make you one when we get to the third cocktail. What do you think you'll make?”
“I'm not sure yet.”
“What's your favorite drink?” he asked.
“That's a tough question,” I said. “I've only recently been able to sample more than a sip of champagne, which I like well enough, but...” I hesitated, analyzing the rest of my response before I could stop myself.
“But?” Gareth urged.
“I don't see myself as a big drinker,” I said.
“Damn,” Gareth said, shaking his head. “And here I signed you up for a mixology class. It was one of the top-rated couples’ classes in Charleston, and I just wanted to help you fulfill that list?—”
“I love it,” I said, cutting over him quickly and laying my hand over his on the table. “I promise. I only meant that even these past weeks, where I've gotten to try more and more, I've enjoyed it, but I can't shake the history that I've had around it.”
Gareth tilted his head, but the dark flash in his eyes indicated he likely knew what I was about to say.
“I've spent enough time around angry drunks that I still feel cautious around it.” Gareth's shoulders dropped another fraction. “And of course, that doesn't apply to you,” I said knowing that Gareth enjoyed a cocktail or two, especially during the poker games. “You've never once made me feel unsafe, Gareth. No matter how many times you insist that you're just another type of monster.”
Gareth parted his lips to respond, but the instructor made it back to the front of the room and started explaining how to make a mojito for the next cocktail. I smiled up at Gareth, before dutifully returning to my notes. And after we were done, we had another beautifully crafted cocktail to taste.