Page 82 of Heart of Gold
“Me too.”
I must’ve been hovering too much because Max points to the album.
“Do you want to look too?” He moves his chair so he can be facing half of the album and I can squeeze beside him. I pull up my chair so we’re so close and my hand comes down, grazing his thigh. He freezes, his jaw flexing. When he looks at me, I hold my breath.
“Sorry,” I say.
“Don’t be.” He pats my own leg, sending firebolts up my thigh. I cross my legs to alleviate the pulsing between them. Being this close to Max is not helping.
“Remember when we got caught making out in the library?”
I laugh, covering my mouth. “I think you had a hand up my shirt.”
“I probably did.” He laughs. “You remember that night at La Scarola? The last night we were together?”
“How could I forget? That was the night you got me pregnant.”
“The very one.” He holds my gaze again.
“You know, that was the last time I had sex.”
God, Emily, why did you say that?
Max’s ears immediately turn red. “Really?”
“This is why I shouldn’t have alcohol around you.”
“What about Burke?”
I nod. “I never wanted to.”
“Oh,” he says. He studies a picture of Olive and me, with my parents on Easter.
“It doesn’t mean anything,” I say. “I’ve just been busy. I’m a mom. I don’t have time for dick.”
I turn my head and mouth Oh my God because I can’t believe I just said that.
Max nods. “Good to know.”
Maybe I have time for your dick.
No, Emily. Knock it off.
We reach the end of the photo album, and when he closes it, I knocks it with my knuckles. “There’s more from where that came from. My mom went through a scrapbooking phase.”
“She did a great job.”
“Do you want to discuss what we’re going to do now?” If we discuss co-parenting, I’m not going to think about kissing him. I’m not going to think about taking his clothes off.
“I just want to talk, if that’s okay. We can figure out the co-parenting stuff later.”
“Okay.” He walks to my couch and I follow, plopping down next to him. It feels like he’s inching closer.
I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol or Emily’s proximity, but my head spins. Her accidental graze of my thigh made my dick go on alert, sent me into a deep spiral of shame.