Page 89 of Heart of Gold
“Good, because I will not get enough of you moaning like that, and I don’t think we want Olive hearing that.”
“Noooo.” I shake my head with a laugh.
“We’ll have time. I want you to see Costa Rica. We could rent a place on the beach and just lay in the sun and make love all day long.”
“That sounds nice.” Snuggling closer to him, I kiss the crook of his neck.
There he goes, making future promises again. No matter what happened in the past, I want to believe him. Will he want to, though, if his dad confesses? I was selfish coming here today, without that out in the open. Because I wanted to feel something, I wanted us to have a moment together, before the world crashed in, where we could be just Emily and Max.
“If you’re going to keep lying naked like that on top of me, I might say fuck it and put another baby in you.”
“Not if Connie has anything to say about it.”
“My IUD. I named it. Since I got the copper one, Connie sounded cute. My gynecologist thought I was crazy.”
“I love it.” He kisses my forehead like he wants to eat me.
“Do I have to get up?”
“Offer is still on the table. You can get the town’s tongues wagging by having a naked blond man streak across your field.”
“It would be a nice change from all those women Cam told to leave. No, I’ll do it.”
“We could always go to the main house too. I can escort you like a bodyguard.”
“No, I kinda like this being a sex shack.”
I wriggle away from him, laughing as I walk across the tiny house floor to my discarded robe. There that hunk of a man lies, looking at me with hooded eyes and a half-mast erection.
“Hurry back,” Max says. “I hope you weren’t planning on getting a good night’s sleep.”
* * *
My arms are full of snacks, and the pockets of my robe are filled with strips of condoms. I was ambitious grabbing ten, but you know, dream big. After I lock my door and turn around in my porch light, two furry creatures appear in front of me.
“Oh shit,” I breathe out. It’s Thelma and Louise.
I had put out food for them for ages and finally stopped after Darryl the raccoon attacked Shiloh at the brewery. Now, they’re back, stalking toward me, completely unafraid because that’s the precedent I’ve set. They know I have snacks.
“Hey ladies,” I say, although I’ve never been certain of their gender. “Long time no see.”
They are eye-fucking the shit out of my chips.
“I mean no harm,” I say, looking at the pile in my hand. They’re all snacks I love. Puff Cheetos, Dot’s pretzels, an unopened bag of Sour Punch strawberry straws I was keeping for a special occasion. I love all of them, so I really don’t want to sacrifice any of it.
However, I would really, really like to get laid again and not end up at the urgent care to get a series of rabies shots, like Shiloh had to.
Which snack do I sacrifice?
No matter how much it pains me, these girls always loved Cheetos. It’s why they tipped my trash can.
“I come in peace.” I set down the bag and inch away, sweeping an arm out like I’m presenting a new car on The Price is Right.
“Here you go,” I say. I really should’ve smuggled Max into the house so I wouldn’t be stuck in this mess.
My heart hammers a thousand beats per minute as the bigger raccoon scurries to the Cheetos and snatches it, turning back and bolting into the darkness of the night. I let out a robust exhale as I look around.