Page 15 of Snap
I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, then did the thing I always do. I resorted to humour.
"Or a porn star?" I said with a teasing smile.
He grinned. "Or that," he agreed. He gave me another smouldering look. His gaze lingered on my breasts before he locked his eyes on mine.
"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to eat so fast I give myself a stomach ache," I said dryly.
He was going to make me leave a puddle on my chair. There already was one in my panties. I couldn’t remember a time when I wanted a guy more than I wanted him right now.
"We can't have that," he said. "Would you prefer I kept my eyes on the table?" His gaze was unwavering.
I leaned forward and whispered, "I could gobble you all up, then come back for seconds. And thirds."
He leaned in to meet me in the middle of the table. "If you gobble me up, there won’t be anything left for seconds or thirds."
"That depends on the way I gobble you," I said. "I was thinking more sucking than using teeth."
He slipped a hand down to his lap to adjust his pants. "It's getting really, really hot in here."
"It really is," I agreed. "Dinner was good but I don't think I have room for dessert. At least, not the kind you eat." I frowned. "Okay, the kind you eat, but not the kind you eat in public."
He grinned. "Yeah. I get what you mean. I'll pay and we can get out of here."
"No," I said immediately. "I'll pay for my half."
"I don't mind," he protested. "I picked this place."
"And I was the one who asked you out," I pointed out "I should be the one paying for the whole thing." I could afford it.
"I'm not letting you pay for it all," he said firmly. "If you want go half, then fine, I'm not going to argue with you. I have a feeling I'd lose anyway."
"Yes. Yes you would." I got out my credit card—okay Dad's credit card—and settled my half.
When I was sure Ollie wasn't looking, I put on a generous tip for the server. It was only right, considering the crappy pay they got.
Honestly, it wasn't enough, not when they had to deal with people day in, day out. I tried my best not to be an asshole with people who served other people.
"Ready?" Ollie offered me his hand. I took it and let him lead me out of the restaurant. "Here's where I invite you up for coffee," I said.
"Is that where I don't actually get to drink the coffee?" he asked.
"Yes, that's exactly what it is." Thank goodness I lived nearby, in an apartment Dad owned.
I bit my lip. I should tell him the truth, before things went too far.
Before I could say a word, he drew me into his arms and crushed his lips to mine.
"So this is home sweet home," Ollie said. "It's very…cosy."
"Yeah, it's okay." I shrugged and put my bag down on the table. I locked the door and slid the chain across it.
I turned to Ollie as he looked around the apartment.
"It's not what I was expecting," he admitted.