Page 29 of Snap
"I like my theory better," Chase said.
"I volunteer you to find out if it’s true." I grinned at Chase.
"Not a chance," he said. "I have no desire to look at his dick. Or yours or any other guy’s."
"Feeling threatened?" Bam teased.
Chase laughed. "No. The opposite. I wouldn’t want to put you guys to shame."
"Ain’t gonna happen," Bam drawled. "Normally I don’t like stereotypes about guys with big feet, but sometimes they’re accurate." He waved toward his.
"You wish," Hawk said.
Bam pressed a fist to his heart. "You know how to hurt a guy."
Hawk grinned. "I should. I hurt guys for a living."
We all laughed.
"You guys are hilarious," Pinky said sarcastically. He and three of his friends drew in around us.
"What is this?" Bam asked. "High school?"
"It certainly looks like it," Chase agreed.
"You know what is wrong with you guys?" Pinky said.
"Why don't you enlighten us?" I suggested. Honestly, I should have told him to fuck off. He wasn't helping anyone, certainly not the team.
"I don't think any of you wants this enough." He looked at us, one after the other.
Hawk slowed to a walk, his expression furious. "Dude, question my dick size before you question my commitment to the Rapids. Except, don't question my dick size either. It's none of your fucking business."
I slowed and put a hand on Hawk's shoulder pad. "Don't." I didn't know what Pinky was up to, but it wasn't worth fighting him. "Save your aggression for the opposition." I gave Pinky a dark look. "Starting shit is just gonna have a negative impact on the team."
"In case you've forgotten." Pinky said coldly, "I wasn't the one that started the shit. Blame whoever fucked with my shoes."
I returned his glare evenly. "It wasn't me. I don't know who did." And right now, I wouldn’t tell him if I did.
He obviously didn't believe me.
I didn't care. If he wanted to be an asshole, that was his prerogative. It didn't mean I had to be one as well.
"Pranks like that are nothing but childish," he snarled. "But it always seems to be you four involved in this crap."
"Because we know how to have fun," Bam said. "Maybe you should get that stick out of your ass."
"Maybe I should stick it in your pretty little sister's ass?" Pinky smirked.
We all grabbed Bam and held him back.
"Fucking asshole. You so much as look at my sister…" Bam growled.
"Maybe you should retire before you destroy the Rapids completely." Pinky trotted away, followed by his friends, before any of us could say anything.
"So much for team unity," Chase said with a grunt.
"I think that's against his religion," Bam said. He shook us off and glared after the tight end.