Page 55 of Snap
"That's the best you got?" he asked.
I shrugged. "I have better things to do than shit on your parade."
He gave me a level look, then turned away. Apparently he realised that wasn't going to get a rise out of me. I was in too good a mood to let him get to me.
Besides, it was hard to pick on a guy with a purple towel wound around his head.
By the time we arrived at the press conference, Carson Thomas was already raving about our performance. His smile was as broad as ours.
"They overcame a tough competition, fought every step of the way, and triumphed!" His expression was so proud, he could have been our father, or favourite uncle. "In two weeks, you are going to see why the Rapids are the best of the best."
He spotted us and waved Hawk over to address the reporters. He gave me a quick glance and a raised eyebrow but turned away.
"He is in his element," Rubie said.
I hadn't seen her until she came to stand beside me and wind her arm through mine. I looked down at her and smiled. "He seems happy."
She laughed softly. "If he was any happier, his face would crack. He's ecstatic."
I leaned down to whisper in her ear. "And what about you? Are you ecstatic too?"
She smiled up at me. "Not yet, but the night is young."
The look in her eyes made my dick twitch. "Yes, it is." I covered her hand with mine.
I blinked as a flash went off in my face. Once. Twice. Three times. I smiled as best I could. At least this time I was aware of having my photo taken.
"I think we can slip away," Rubie said. "I'm sure you're excited to get the celebrations underway."
I grinned. "You could say that. But I think we should go to the team party first."
She shoved her shoulder against me and laughed. "That was exactly what I meant."
I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Of course it was," I said teasingly. "If we don't hurry, Bam will drink all the beer before we get there."
She wrinkled her nose. "Fine by me. As long as he leaves me some cola."
"Can I ask Ollie Tucker a few questions?" one of the journalists asked.
I'd half expected the request, but hoped it wouldn't come. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she wanted to ask.
"I think we've taken enough of the team's time," Carson Thomas said firmly. "I'm sure they'd all like to go out and celebrate their win."
He glanced towards me. His expression said it all. He wasn't doing this for me, he was doing it for Rubie.
I gave him a grateful smile anyway. Neither of us wanted Rubie dragged through the wringer. She was tough, probably tougher than me, but I wasn't going to let anything else get between us.
The journalist frowned and looked like she hoped I'd contradict the team owner's words. I gave her a faint smile and a shrug, like I had no say in the matter.
If I wanted to talk, Carson Thomas wouldn't have stopped me. The Rapids usually had an open relationship with the press.
In return for mostly good publicity, we talked to them when they wanted us to. Carson's decision to keep them away from me would raise some eyebrows. Fortunately, the Rapids had a publicity department to deal with this stuff. They'd settle any gossip that arose, if they could.
If not… I'd deal with that if it became a problem.
I turned and followed the other guys out the door, my hip brushing against Rubie's every few steps. A few of the guys stared at us, but I ignored them. Most of them were quickly distracted by their wives and girlfriends who waited just outside to congratulate and celebrate with us.
"Tonight, I'm buying all the drinks," Carson declared.