Page 78 of Snap
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Admit it, if I handed you your laptop, you'd stream the last episode of that show."
"I have much more important things to do than watch that," he argued. "The Down Under Bowl is only days away. I should be doing interviews and organising?—"
I cut him off. "You have a team of assistants to do that. Everything is arranged. The only thing you have to do is wait patiently."
He barked a laugh. "Patiently?” he echoed. "Have you met me? Or yourself for that matter. We don't do patient."
"I noticed," I said dryly. I put the cup down on the kitchen counter and walked back to sit next to him. "But you don't want to end up back in hospital, do you?"
He sighed with resignation. "No I don't. Which is why I need you to take over the Rapids, bet or no bet, win or no win. I need to know they're in good hands. Then I can rest, like you and Skye keep saying I have to."
"You realise that's emotional blackmail, right? I asked. I propped my feet on the coffee table in front of me and raised my eyebrows at him.
He shrugged. "Call it what you want. I don't think you dislike the idea as much as you say you do."
I lowered my eyebrows. "That's an interesting theory. What are you basing it on? It sounds like some dubious science to me."
"The fact you're dating a player," he said. "The fact you've taken on every press conference, photo opportunity, training session, everything, without complaining. I've even seen you smiling in those photos." He waggled his finger at me. "Admit it, you're enjoying it."
I shrugged one shoulder. "It hasn't been the worst time in my life." I got to see Ollie every day, and every day we got closer. The more I got to know him, the deeper in love I fell. I never knew I could feel this way about anyone. It was intense. It was wonderful. It was everything.
"The doctor thinks the move to Queensland would be good for me," Dad added.
"How much did you pay him to say that?" I joked.
"Trust me," he said dryly, "if he could be bought, I'd be back at work right now. Some people's integrity is worth more than a bunch of money, believe it or not."
"Huh? How about that," I said sarcastically. "I didn't know such people existed."
"I'm just as surprised about that as you are," Dad said. "I suspect Ollie might be one of those."
I didn't even try to hold back a smile. "Yes, he is."
"So, about the Rapids..." Dad looked at me through his eyebrows.
"If I'm a spoiled brat," I said slowly, "it's because everything I know, I learned from you."
"And you learned well, young apprentice," Dad said with a smile.
I groaned. "Have you been getting into the Star Wars movies again?"
"Can I remind you that you hid the remote?" he said. "And won’t let me near my laptop?"
"No, I’m well aware of all of that." I crossed my ankles and my arms.
"If I say yes, will this be the last time I hear anything about it? About the Rapids." I wasn’t budging on the laptop.
"Of course it will," he agreed. "I won't need to ask again, I will have gotten my way." He looked smug.
I snorted. "If you weren't recovering from a stay in hospital, I'd slap you silly right now."
"That wouldn't take very long, I'm very close to being silly already." He made a funny face.
"No shit," I said with a laugh. He was so obviously bored I almost felt sorry for him.
I sighed. "Okay, fine. I'll take over the team for you, but on one condition."
He stopped in the middle of fist pumping the air and cocked his head. "What is that?"