Page 3 of Buck
Gator and Bear each picked up one end of the stretcher, and they started to move into the thick vegetation. He regretted leaving behind the pilots and the DEA agent, but they had no choice. TOC had their coordinates. They would eventually get their people out.
“Are you all right?” Zorro asked.
Buck nodded. “Bruised on my right side, but it’s manageable.”
“Liar,” Zorro said.
Buck moved ahead to navigate and keep them on course. When he passed the stretcher, Joker’s eyes were closed, his face ashen. He looked at Zorro.
“He took a piece of shrapnel to his left side. He lost a lot of blood.” Zorro glanced at him. “We have two bags of plasma left. I’ve packed the wound and slowed down the bleeding, but we’ve gotta get him medevacked out of here, pronto.”
Buck looked off into the distance with nothing but green in front of them. “We have about ten klicks to go. The DEA will be waiting for us across the Costa Rican border.”
Buck hacked through undergrowth, listening for any movement, but only the squawk of macaws and white-faced monkeys hovered overhead as he worked his way toward their destination. He swung the blade chopping through plant life, his muscles starting to burn. They didn’t slow down.
Beyond the forest canopy, the moon was completely obscured by the heavy clouds, the rain coming down hard, and making each step a challenge. He saw a clearing in the distance and headed for it. As they broke through the trees, Buck said, “Brief rest. Switch out the stretcher-bearers and get hydrated.” It felt funny to say that when they were all drenched to the skin. After a few minutes, he said, “Time to move.” He rose and pulled the machete from the sheath at his back.
“Whoa there,” Zorro said as his hand planted in the middle of Buck’s chest. “You’re bleeding.” Buck stopped moving and looked to where Zorro’s eyes were laser-focused. “You told me you were all right.”
“I didn’t realize…” Buck had been dealing with his side pain and hadn’t realized he’d been wounded in the shoulder.
Zorro stopped the procession, as D-Day and Professor set Joker down. “We shouldn’t waste?—”
“We’re not wasting time, Buck!” Zorro said fiercely, his set expression and folded arms telling Buck they could argue longer than it would take for him to let Zorro see to his wound. “You know how little it takes for an infection to settle in for fuck’s sake. Let me take care of it.”
Buck relented, impatient with the delay. Every minute they weren’t moving, the enemy was gaining on them.
The air heavy with moisture in the darkened jungle dripped with humidity. After Zorro was finished with Buck’s wound, they all fell into a battered trance, and the minutes blurred into an indistinguishable tangle of pain as they ran, eating up the uneven ground.
“In times of war and uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our nation’s call,” Buck growled between gritted teeth, the pain in his side now almost unbearable. “A common man with uncommon desires forged by adversity, he stands alongside America’s finest special operation forces to serve his country, the American people, and protect their way of life.”
The pounding rain eased off to a constant drizzle, and their boots squished as they ran south.
“I am that man,” Buck said, a chorus of voices joining him. He felt comfort in their presence and reciting The Navy SEAL Creed made his chest contract with pride.
“My trident is a symbol of honor and heritage bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before and embodies the trust of those I am sworn to protect.” They swept across the ground, teeth gritted, pain in every muscle and joint.
Each of them was reciting with him now, pride swelling in him to be part of such a brotherhood of men. “By wearing the trident, I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession, and it is a privilege that I must earn every day.”
They pushed between the trees, the ground vegetation dense and dripping with midnight dew and the continuous rain.
“My loyalty to country and team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans, always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work or seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own.”
His legs continued to pump as everything melted into a blur of adrenaline and distorted time. Trying to catch his breath, he swallowed a big gulp of jungle rot. The words were in his head. I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. The ability to control my emotions and my actions regardless of circumstances sets me apart from other men. Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast. My word is my bond. We expect to lead and be led. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my teammates, and accomplish the mission. I lead by example in all situations. His head felt ready to burst. The smell of the vegetation fused with a wave of thoughts sent his body running on automatic: Joker fighting for his life, all of them injured and hurting like hell, sprinting in the dark and dank with an unknown number of tangos at their back, crashing in a helo, leaving Americans behind, and his body on fire with adrenaline and fury.
He bent over and was sick.
After a few heaves, he stood up and composed himself, taking a swig of water to clear the taste of bile. The guys had stopped and stared at him. They all looked about as smoked as he was, but Buck could tell their thoughts were on something other than themselves. Their focus had turned back to Joker. I will NEVER quit!
Gunfire suddenly cut across the area, and they all immediately dropped to the ground. Professor and D-Day automatically covered Joker’s body like a shield as bullets chunked near their position. Buck was no more than thirty feet from one of their pursuers, the stench of flash burns from his weapon lingering on the steamy air.
I persevere and thrive on adversity. My nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally tougher than my enemies. If knocked down, I will get back up every time!
In a moment, he heard footsteps and the brush of leaves. A bright light swept back and forth over the area. Without a choice, the men moved slowly into the jungle. They were less than twenty yards away, the light faint until it speared near them. He closed his eyes and smelled the wet mustiness of the earth tossed up with each careful step, just as he sensed how hard their hearts were beating, his M4 was locked and loaded.
The men shone the light at their feet, took a step, then swept the area high and low. They couldn’t do both. On the jungle floor, there wasn’t a shred of moonlight, and it was uneven and full of exposed roots. It was their one advantage. Buck could see boots now, hear the shift of dirt and pebbles beneath them. They shuffled, the movement of unsure steps.
Buck slipped his finger over the trigger. Fifteen against seven wasn’t good odds, but then they were up against SEALs. That evened out their chances. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my teammates and accomplish the mission.