Page 62 of Buck
Unable to keep from laughing, Mari caught his face and gave him a hard kiss, wondering if it was possible to love him anymore. She squeezed his hand, her heart brimming with love down to her soul, savoring the contact and the strength that sheltered her from someone who loved her unconditionally.
So, she snagged herself a cowboy, and a Navy SEAL, and a damn good man all rolled into one. She wouldn’t ever take that for granted, would never stop loving him, as she smiled into his green, oh-so-green eyes and saw her life, her love, her future in his promise of a happily ever after.
After Kat got back from Costa Rica, she had gone to the doctor about her stomach. The nausea hadn’t abated, and she was feeling so run-down and tired all the time. She wondered if she’d picked up some kind of bug down there.
Since she had been so successful with the mission, her bosses were so pleased, they had offered her a position in DC, but she immediately turned it down. She wasn’t going anywhere without her husband, no matter how good the job was. Her beloved wanted to continue to operate, which tied him to San Diego. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to continue with the CIA. This last mission had taken a toll on her after forcing Buck to participate in something he didn’t want to do. It had stuck in her craw.
They took her blood and sent her home where she dealt with the symptoms. When her doctor called, he told her that everything was negative. He suggested a specialist, and she said she would call to make an appointment.
But as she was looking at her calendar, it dawned on her…she hadn’t had her period in…two months. Her heart jumped in her chest, and she immediately went out and bought several pregnancy tests. When she got home, it was torture to wait for the results. But when she finally looked, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was positive.
To be sure, she took the other two and both of them showed the pink line. Flabbergasted, and overwhelmed for a second, she sat in the bathroom just looking at the stick.She’d immediately made an appointment with her OB/GYN to get the ball rolling. For the rest of the day, she contemplated just putting in her papers, and doing something she’d been dreaming about for some time.
When Wicked got home, she was still reeling a bit.
She came toward him, and his face softened into concern. “You still feeling bad?”
“Yeah. The doctor called and told me all the tests were negative.”
He came to her and wrapped his arms around her. God, how she loved him. The thought of a little human growing in her with a mix of the two of them made her teary-eyed.
“Hey, there,” he said, kissing her softly. “It’ll be all right.”
She nodded. “I figured out what was wrong today when I was looking at my calendar.”
He went to the fridge and opened it, pulling out a ginger ale. He unscrewed the top and took a drink.
“I’m pregnant.”
He spit out the soda, spraying it everywhere. He wiped the back of his mouth, his eyes stunned for a second, then filled with excitement and wonder. “Seriously. He looked down at her stomach as if he could see inside and confirm it. You didn’t just do that to make me spew soda?”
She giggled softly. “No. I didn’t, although that was an added bonus. I sure hope that’s not a sign you’re not interested.”
“What? Babe! Are you crazy? I’m over the moon.” He set down the soda and rushed over to her, cupping his hand around her stomach. “We’re having a baby.”
“And I’m quitting the CIA.”
“Okay, you want to be a stay-at-home mom? We can swing that.” Her heart simply melted at how sweet her husband was. “We have a good amount of savings?—”
“No, not stay-at-home exactly, but something that doesn’t put me in danger anymore.”
“Like what?”
“Interior design.”
He looked at her like she’d grown three heads. “Um…why didn’t you ever mention that to me?”
She shrugged. “I was a secret agent and loved it. I didn’t really consider it until I decided to leave the CIA, but I’ve always loved it.”
“Then I support you one hundred percent.”
“I had no doubt,” she whispered, kissing him softly. “Dad.”
He got a goofy look of joy on his face and once again she got teary-eyed. Damn hormones.