Page 77 of Blurred Lines
Verona's icy facade cracks. "You resorted to blackmail to get him to talk!"
"We did what we had to," I counter, feeling a surge of power as I stand my ground. "To protect what's ours, to expose your treachery."
Suddenly, a flashbulb of defiance ignites in Verona's eyes. "Oh, Emily, you think this is over? You may have bested us today, but I have resources, connections … I'll make you regret this."
"Bring it on," I retort, a grin spreading across my face. "I thrive on a challenge."
Before she can unleash another threat, the unexpected happens. Caeleb, Finn, and Silas step forward, forming a wall of quiet strength behind me and Flora.
"Your reign of terror ends here, Verona," Caeleb declares, his low voice resonating with authority. "You've crossed the line for the last time."
Miles and Brody flank Alec, who is shrinking back, his veneer of online cool gone.
"Out," Finn commands, gesturing with a dismissive flick of the wrist. "You're not welcome here. Your tomfoolery ends here. We'll handle any fallout."
To my surprise, Alec doesn't argue. Head bowed in a pantomime of shame, he shuffles away, his exit punctuated by the click of expensive shoes on marble.
I savor the moment, a rush of satisfaction washing over me. But as the last of Alec's retreating form disappears, focus returns. Verona still stands defiant, her eyes narrowed in calculating fury.
"This isn't over," she snarls, "I'll?—"
"Cut it out, Verona," Silas interrupts, his voice rough with disgust. "You've played your hand, and you've lost. Do everyone a favor—crawl back into whatever rock you came from and lick your wounds."
Her shoulders slump, the fight gone from her. "Mark my words, girl," she mutters, fixing me with a glare. "This will come back to haunt you." With a theatrical sweep of her skirts, she turns and storms from the room. Brody gives me a grin. "Miles and I will make sure they don't change their minds."
With that, the two of them tail behind the departed.
The silence that follows is almost deafening. Flora and I exchange grins, exhausted but triumphant. This is a victory, however temporary, and I intend to enjoy it.
"Stay for a late lunch?" I ask the room.
Caeleb clears his throat, breaking the spell. "Emily, you've handled yourself more than admirably. You don't need us anymore. We'll get going."
"Besides," Caeleb adds, "our primary job was to expose Verona and clip Alec's wings. The messy aftermath? That's all yours."
"Just … just one thing," I say softly. "A picture. All of us together. Me, and you three."
The men exchange puzzled glances but agree. Flora retrieves my phone, and within moments, we're huddled together, strange bedfellows united in an unlikely cause.
The camera flashes.
"Why?" Silas asks, once Flora has pocketed the device. "Why the picture?"
My lips quirk upwards. "Oh, you'll see. Just … trust me."
"Bye, then," I tell Emily. Before she can say anything else, Caeleb, Finn, and I are headed out the exit. Flora tails behind us.
"She's pregnant," Flora tells us, so matter-of-factly that it's just … classic Flora. "You three?—"
"We'd love to be part of it, if she ever feels like that's something she'd want," remarks Finn. "Until then, though, respectful distance it is."
Flora nods and salutes us before heading her own way. "I have a feeling I'll see you around," she says, a playful gleam in her eyes before she prances away.
"At least someone feels that way," I grumble, as we pool into my car.