Page 106 of Wrecking Love
“Stop stalling and get a move on,” Sam yelled. “We want to get to the drinking part of the night!”
“Boo!” Lucas chimed in. “We want to drink and kick some wolf ass!”
“Why hasn’t your mom stopped all the swearing?” I asked Declan.
“She drove a hard bargain when they asked for permission to swear,” he replied with a grin. “Lucas and Finn have an extremely long laundry list of things to do for Mom. They’ll be at it for weeks. Plus, she gets to keep track of every time they swear, and they have to give her five bucks.”
“They’ll end up broke,” I stated.
“Absolutely. Doesn’t count for me because I didn’t say a fucking word during the whole thing.”
“And running for the Byrnes,” Finn began but was drowned out by another round of cheers and howls rolling across the lawn from our pack. He waved his hands wildly. “Come on! I want to talk!”
“No one wants to hear you talk!” Sam laughed.
“Shut the fuck up, you furry little shit,” he snapped while the excitement waned just enough for him to finish. “And running for the Byrnes this year… the ever-so-lovely, future Mrs. Raven Byrne!”
Enthusiastically, I clapped for Raven as she joined the others at the starting line. Unlike them, she stuck with a swimsuit—she was still figuring out her comfort level with nudity. And, according to her, burning money on easy-to-shred swimsuits wasn’t the worst thing she could do with her fortune.
“Now, hold the fuck up!” Cole interjected. “She ain’t a Byrne. She ain’t racin’!”
“Fuck that shit,” Declan shot back, leaving me to strike across the lawn. Crossing his arms, he squared off against Cole with Raven right next to him doing the same. “She’s racing.”
“Not a Byrne,” he repeated.
“Fight, fight, fight,” Roan chanted playfully.
“I will marry her right here, right now, you furry fucker,” Declan growled. “Not a Byrne my ass. You’re just intimidated because you know we’re going to win.”
“Bullshit,” Cole shot back.
“Put your money where your mouth is, old man,” he said. “Join the bitch club.”
“I’m too old for that shit.”
“Oh,” Roan teased. “I think he’s scared.”
“I ain’t fuckin’ scared,” Cole snapped.
“I think you are,” Declan replied.
“Fine,” he bit out. “Name your fuckin’ terms, Byrne.”
“When my fiancé kicks your ass, you get to be bitch for the rest of the day,” he stated. “But you get to be her bitch for the rest of the day. Whatever her pretty little heart desires, you’ll do it.”
“I get to join the bitch club!” Raven gasped, clapping with excitement.
“Of course, you do, honey.”
“And when I win?” Cole demanded. “What do I get?”
“If you win, I’ll be your bitch,” Declan said. “But I suggest you warm the fuck up, Stone. My girl’s creative as shit. She’s going to have your ass running around all fucking night.”
“Deal,” he said and peeled off his shirt. “But I’m fuckin’ runnin’ this one. I ain’t countin’ on Alice to win this shit for me.”
“Whatever,” Alice replied with a shrug. “More fuckin’ beer for me.”
“Hey!” Sam yelled happily. “That’s my girl! Come get drunk with us!”