Page 239 of Wrecking Love
ROAN: How come you can answer the fucking door with your dick hard, but I can’t with my dick out?
Because you’re staying with my mom. She’d fucking ream your ass.
On second thought, I wanted to see that.
ROAN: #truth
You’re too old for that hashtag shit, Roan.
ROAN: #seeyouin15 #mydickwillbeaway #maybe
“What’s that sexy little smile for? Talking to someone special?” That voice. I stilled and slowly went for my gun. Which I’d left at home. Fuck me. “What? Would you really pull your gun in a fucking food mart?”
“What the fuck do you want?” I demanded. Slowly—while contemplating throwing hot coffee on her face—I turned to stare at her. Sadie fucking Grimm. If that even was her real name. I scowled, and she laughed, her unusual violet eyes alight with entertainment.
“Has anyone told you that you have poor manners?” she asked. Completely undisturbed, she grabbed a box of pop-tarts off the shelf and read the back. “These things will fucking kill you from the sugar alone.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” I said once more.
“I figured a little face-to-face was needed between you and me.” Sadie shrugged. My gaze swept down her short frame, doing a quick inventory of what weapons I could see. I was sorely outmanned and without my wolf—not that she knew that last part. “You’ve been trying so damn hard to figure me out. It’s adorable really. To have such a fan. I even had fun fucking with you in that damn corn maze. But we’re in the endgame, hot stuff, and I wanted to see that handsome face of yours again. Not as cute without my knife in your stomach, but it’ll do.”
God, the fucking ego on this woman. I glanced back at the cashier kid. Thank fuck he was preoccupied with drinking coffee and trying to stay awake. I tried to recall how many people were in the fucking store if shit went south, but I’d been too preoccupied talking to Roan that I hadn’t kept track of how many times the front bell dinged. Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck.
I took a step toward her. She clicked her tongue as she waved her hand in my direction, hand lighting up with purple magic. Her power snaked rapidly through me, but that spot in my chest where it settled was hollow. There was nothing there for it to control. Still, I froze and scowled as if it’d worked. Giving away my secret would’ve been the stupidest fucking thing I could do.
“I should be thanking you,” she continued so fucking casually that it pissed me off. “Admittedly, your species has gotten boring. So fucking domestic. Do you know the stories of our ancestors?”
“I have a feeling—”
“No talking. I like my men quiet and all tied up.”
No fucking surprise there.
“Yeah, well, I’m not about to shut the fuck up, so why don’t you just say the shit you want to say,” I snapped. My gaze bounced between her and the cashier. Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out who else was in the fucking store. What a goddamn inconvenient time to not have my wolf hearing. I had to be stupid careful with how I proceeded or more people could end up dead.
“Hunting your kind used to present such a fucking challenge.” She sighed wistfully as if she’d been there. Fuck, with everything I knew about Lane, maybe she had been. “Now, you’re all fucking domesticated. Working jobs, having pups. It’s disgustingly easy to kill you freaks.”
“What the fuck do you want?” I asked. I didn’t give two shits about her planned villain speech. She paused with a jar of peanut butter in her hand, frowning.
“I want you dead obviously.”
“You had your chance to kill me,” I retorted. “I told you to make sure it fucking stuck.”
“Oh, look, Lane got you your memories back,” Sadie said. I faltered, and it must’ve shown on my face from the way she laughed. “Yes, I know about Lane, your ridiculous little witch friend. I wouldn’t call him to help though. I cursed his heart in Reno. If he tries to fight me, his heart will be shredded. You men and your need to satisfy your dicks. It makes cursing you so fucking easy.”
I didn’t say a fucking word because I couldn’t tell if she knew Lane’s current identity or who he really was. I wasn’t about to give her shit. But I did file that one away as another piece on the playing board that was probably in my favor. Lane fiercely protected his identity. I highly doubted that she’d figured him out. If she had, he would’ve killed her.
“I know about all of you,” she continued. “Each and every one of your boring fucking lives… well, Raven’s a little exciting. Ripped her own husband to pieces. I’d tell your brother to be careful. She might do the same to him. Maybe I should’ve done that instead of sending her on your whole family. It was fun to watch your whole family lose their minds over the shit you do with your life though. That made it fucking worth it.”
God, this woman liked to hear herself fucking talk.
“Are you fucking done?” I flexed my fists on instinct, desperate to fucking hit her. She smirked as she caught the movement.
“You’re a strong one. Go home, kiss that pretty little wife of yours, spend some time with your brothers, and make peace with your fucking maker because I’m coming for you. All of you. I won’t tell you who I’m going to kill first. That’d ruin the game. And before you go off, Killian, I’d check in with your brother. Lucas, the firefighting puppy.” She leaned in close as she said the words. My heart skittered in my chest as she said, my mind running rampant with what the hell she could’ve done to him. “You can see just how fucking serious I am. I’ll see you soon. Stay, puppy. You’ll get your chance at me soon enough.”
Pop-tarts and peanut butter in hand, Sadie waltzed down the aisle. I watched as she struck up a casual conversation with the cashier while she paid. It took everything I fucking had not to move. She wouldn’t hurt the kid—he was as human as they could be. I had to wait it out, and I fucking hated it.
But I had to play into her hand if I was going to beat her in the long run.