Page 268 of Wrecking Love
“We will, Genevieve, but right now we need to get you down, okay?” I told her in a hushed voice. “Cade? Any fucking luck?”
“Just give me a minute,” he replied.
“We may not have a fucking minute,” I warned him as the singing turned to yelling outside. “Faster, Cade.”
“Almost there…” He grunted. The grinding of metal made my wife startle in my arms, and her head whipped around, trying to see what he was doing.
“Look at me, Genevieve,” I said gently to pull her attention back to me. “Come on, princess. Eyes on me.”
Those golden eyes were wide as she did what I asked. She struggled to hold my gaze. I didn’t blame her. She wasn’t made for this shit.
“I’ll get you out of here. I promise. Both of you,” I whispered. She faltered, searching my face as the words sank in. “I know. Lane told me.”
The chains gave way, and her body gave out. I caught her and held her up. Her legs trembled something fierce as Cade made quick work of disengaging her wrists from the chains.
“Baby girl, I need to pop your shoulder back in,” I said. “Cade’s going to cover your mouth to keep you from making a sound, okay,”
“I’ll be gentle,” Cade promised. He stood behind her and clamped a hand over her mouth.
“Ready for me?” I asked. Hesitantly, she nodded. She wasn’t ready. But I didn’t fucking count it out or any of that shit. That shit was a waste of time. I just put her shoulder back in place with a hard push. Her knees buckled, and Cade’s hand caught the cry she let out. I smoothed down her hair when he let go. “You’re good. You’re good.”
“Nolan!” Genevieve exclaimed and completely disregarded anything I had to say. Before I could stop her, she skirted under my arm and darted across the warehouse.
“Genevieve!” I hissed and rushed after her. Jesus fucking Christ this woman was going to get herself killed.
My heart stuttered in my chest when I rounded the corner and nearly ran her down. I grabbed her as her legs gave out—clinging to her the same way she did to me. We weren’t the only ones shocked. Finn was crouched a few feet away, head between his knees as he took deep breaths, while Lucas stood frozen. Only Declan knelt in the blood next to Lane as they studied Nolan.
Fucking hell. She’d done a goddamn number on the kid. More than half a dozen metal spikes were drilled into him—shoulders, arms, legs, and torso. I lost count of how many cuts she’d dolled out, carving into his skin. Some were deeper than others. Some quick slices, others planned out paths of torture.
But the worst of it was the spike drilled through his eye. Blood coated his face and every so often, his eyelid fluttered against the spike.
Jesus fucking Christ. The room tipped as I saw red. Nolan was breathing—barely. We had to get him the fuck out of here and fast.
“We can’t fucking touch him,” Lane snapped angrily. “The metal is wolf’s metal, which means you can’t touch him, and my magic won’t fucking work on it. She stripped all the fucking screws, so we can’t even do it the long way.”
“I have the bracelet you gave Raven,” Cade said. “Would I be able to?”
“Even if you could,” Lucas whispered, “we can’t take any of that out here. It could kill him.”
I glanced at Lucas, and my heart lurched into my throat as I caught the movement behind Finn. Sadie. Silent and using our distractedness against us, she approached Finn from behind with a knife in her hand.
“Behind you, Finn!” I yelled and hoped to fuck he moved fast enough because there was no way in hell I was getting to him first. He twisted, throwing a hand up to protect himself as the knife came down. I drew my gun and braced for the worst while my heart hammered in my chest.
But the worst never fucking happened.
Her knife came down as his hand flew up, and the two collided. His hand began to glow, bursting to life with a golden light. It radiated down his arm and consumed his entire body until he was nothing more than a ball of light—too bright to stare at.
“Holy fuck, he’s got magic…” I let out in awe. Sadie’s magic flared—purple clashing against gold—unable to touch him. I grabbed Genevieve and dragged her close, shielding her. I knew unstable magic when I saw it. I shouted, “Right hook, kid!”
Without question, Finn did as I ordered. Magic sliced through magic and exploded.
Chapter 125
Ears ringing…
Blind as fuck…