Page 37 of Wrecking Love
“I did not!”
“You did!”
“I don’t remember any of that!” he said.
“That fucking sucker of hers had better be the only thing she put her goddamn mouth on last night, you furry fucker,” I warned. Shit. Sawyer would straight up murder Roan if he found out.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know?” Roan exclaimed, clearly distressed. Served him right. “I don’t remember a fucking thing!”
“If it helps, he couldn’t get it up last night.” Violet shrugged as she slid out of bed. She fluffed her hair as she wandered across the room toward her clothes. “It just kept on dangling—”
“No! We don’t need to talk about it like that!”
“Don’t worry, you old fuck, there’s pills for that,” I teased. “It’ll fix your dick right up.”
“I swear, Byrne, I’m going to fucking kill you,” he growled. He wouldn’t. I leaned against the doorframe, laughing as he struggled to get into his damn pants. “One of these days, Byrne.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’d have to catch me first,” I taunted and darted from the room when he made a grab for me.
I made my way downstairs. A buffet with breakfast food was set up in the dining hall area. My brothers and Raven took up a whole table by themselves. Axel sat with them, head down in the crook of his arm and probably asleep next to his food.
“What’s so fucking funny?” Maverick asked when he joined me at the buffet. He looked worse for wear with his hair a mess and sunglasses high on his nose. And I was fairly certain he was still drunk from that slight slur in his voice.
“What the fuck did he do now?”
“Not so much a what,” I replied. “More like a who.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He dropped the egg spoon back in the pan and rounded on me. “Don’t tell me that fucking moron slept with Violet.”
“She says he couldn’t get it up, but I don’t know for sure,” I said. “The girl would do fucking anything for him.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Maverick grumbled. “Fuck, I have to handle this. If Sawyer finds out… fuck.”
I couldn’t blame his frustration. There was a reason I was telling him in the first place, and it sure as fuck wasn’t to gossip. Sawyer Atwater was a bit of a beast… in that… he’d gotten away with murder twice. There was no one in the world he cared about more than his baby sister. Hence why we all fucking cared about what Roan did with Violet. It wasn’t like Roan planned to marry Violet—no, that would’ve made it fine by Sawyer. But fuck around with Violet? More like fuck around and find out just how violent Sawyer could be. The guy had a weird heart of gold—a real loyal streak and a kind heart. He just had a fucking switch inside his head. And when it flipped, Sawyer scared the shit out of all of us, which was saying something.
Great friend to have but worst fucking enemy to piss off.
So, at this point, we were all just trying to keep Roan from ending up dead over poor dick choices.
“Let me know if you need help,” I told him. Somehow, I’d become the resident Roan-wrangler—not that I wanted that title, but Roan listened to me better than he listened to his brothers. And if I really wanted to bring in the big guns all I had to do was get Declan involved. Declan could tell Roan to roll over and the furry fucker would because Declan had never steered him wrong.
I made my way to where my brothers were eating. All of them looked a little worse for wear except Declan and Nolan. Even Raven curled over an obscenely large cup of coffee. Cup was an understatement. She had a fucking tumbler of coffee—and not a small one. I dropped my plate to the table, grinning as Sam flinched.
“Do you have to do that?” Sam muttered. “Fuck me.”
“How you feeling there, Sam?” I laughed as pulled up a chair between him and Finn.
“Go to hell,” he retorted. Still, there was a smile on his stupid face as he raised his glass in my direction. From the smell, he was hitting the vodka early—just like Nolan said. At least he put it in orange juice.
“Come on, you lazy shits, we have a full day ahead of us—”
“Has anyone told you just how loud you are?” Finn interjected. He leaned over, resting his head on my shoulder. His eyes closed with a tired sigh. When did I sign up for morning cuddles with Finn? “ I don’t remember you being this fucking loud, douchebag.”
“I can be louder,” I damn near shouted just because I could.
“No,” he whined. “I don’t like that.”